Academic Practice I
Competence aims:
- competence to carry out an academic project with a regional focus (inter alia, autonomous research work, autonomous field research)
- ability to reflect upon the project from a theoretical standpoint
- conveyance of methodological knowledge, ability to self-motivate, time management as well as social and decision-making competence
Learning content:
- ability to carry out independent academic work is expanded by means of independent development and conducting theoretical and/or practical studies or other academic work
- During counseling interviews, the student will be prepared to plan and conduct her or his studies. The supervision will be supported via communication on e-learning platforms. Project synopses as well as research and work logs will be discussed, objectives of the study will be defined and intermediate and final data will be presented and commented on on this basis as well.
- In the framework of the module, diverse opportunities to carry out a study for instance during field research or an internship inland or abroad will also be offered