Dr. Patricia Aranha
(Universidade de São Paulo, Brasilien)
AvH-Forschungsstipendium (Henriette Herz-Scouting-Programm)
"Mapping the Unknown: An investigation into the cartography and discourses on the territorial occupation of Latin America"
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Diego Armus
(Swarthmore College, USA)
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung / AvH-Forschungspreis
"Cigarette Smoking in Modern Buenos Aires. A History"
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Bryce
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
"Recentering Travel: Migrants, Ships, and Ports between Europe and South America, 1892-1932"
Prof. Dr. Laura Caruso
(Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martin/ CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Entre lo local y lo global: comunidad e identidad en el barrio portuario de La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina), primera mitad del siglo XX
Dr. Marcelo Casals
"Local Struggles, Global Concepts: A Transnational History of the Chilean Military Dictatorship"
Bildquelle: Sebastian Utreras
Prof. Dr. Joaquin Chávez
(University of Illinois at Chicago, UIC)
"Imagining Peace in El Salvador: A History of the Cold War in Latin America"
2019 - 2021
Dr. Laura Cucchi
(CONICET/ Universidad de Buenos Aires)
"Circulation of Public Law in the South- American Republics, 1860-1880. Transnational debates on democracy and limited government"
Prof. Dr. Marcela Echeverri
(Yale University)
"Freedom before Liberalism: The Politics of Atlantic Abolition in Spanish America"
Prof. Dr. Max Paul Friedman
(American University, Washington DC)
Forschungen im Rahmen des Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreises
Bildquelle: American University
Dr. Amadeo Gandolfo
(Universidad de Buenos Aires)
"Empire of Cartoons: Building a Transnational Network of Ibero-American Graphic Humor (1940-1990)"
Cary Aileen García Yero, Ph.D
(Harvard University)
“Black Art in Cold War: Race, Power, and the Cuban-Eastern European Socialist Bloc Art Exchanges, 1959-1989”
Dr. Laure Guirguis
(Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) / Institute for Research on the Arab and Muslim World (IREMAM), Aix-Marseilles, Frankreich)
“Power, Culture, and Resistance between the Arab world and the Southern Cone, 1920s–2020s”
Dr. Ana Johari Mejía Robledo
"Social and Commercial Networks in the World of the Coffee. A look at the Argovia, Chiapas Plantations "through" the Eyes of the Kampnagel Machine"
Dr. Walter L. Koppmann
(CONICET/ Universidad de Buenos Aires)
"Transnational Urban Experiences in the Global South: The Formation of the Jewish Working Class, Labor Worlds, and Left Political Cultures in Early-Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires (1890-1930)"
Prof. Dr. Lucía Lewowicz
(Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo)
"Disseminating Knowledge and Institutional Forms of Scientific and Technological Production in Rio de la Plata (1860-1930)"
Prof. Dr. Cynthia Milton
(Université de Montréal)
"Artistic Representations and Historical Narratives in the Aftermath of Violence"
Prof. Dr. Thiago Nicodemo
(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
"The Democratic Historicities After 1945: an Outline of Global Conceptual History"
Prof. Dr. Juan Manuel Palacio
(Universidad de San Martín, Buenos Aires)
"Ley y justicia en el Estado 'populista': el caso del peronismo (1943-1955)"
Prof. Dr. Glenn Penny
(University of Iowa)
"German Diasporic Communities in Latin America, 1830-2000"
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Pérez Montfort
(Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, CIESAS)
Georg Forster-Preis
"Una biografía de Lázaro Cárdenas"
Prof. Dr. Scarlett O'Phelan
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
"El proceso de la independencia en los Andes"
Prof. Dr. Irina Podgorny
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
"Charlatanes. Vidas paralelas en las ciencias del siglo XIX”
Prof. Dr. Mónica Ricketts
(Temple University)
"Struggles for Power and Equality in the Hispanic World, 1700-1830"
Prof. Dr. Hilda Sabato
(Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET),
"Political History of Argentina in the 19th Century"
"The republican experiment in Spanish America"
Prof. Dr. Lilia Moritz Schwarcz
(Universidade de São Paulo)
Die afrobrasilianische und indigene Geschichte Brasiliens
Reimar Lüst-Preis
Bildquelle: Leonor Calasans
Prof. Dr. Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
(Kent University)
"La disputa por las jurisdicciones y la formación estatal: americanismo, federalismo, confederacionismo y la nación en América del Sur 1808-1850"
Dr. Itzel Toledo García
"The News Outlet Agencia Duems and the Use of Public Diplomacy by Weimar Germany and Revolutionary Mexico (1920-32)"
Prof. Dr. Mariano Torres
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)
“Studien zum Mexikobild in Deutschland während der Weimarer Republik und während des Nationalsozialismus“
Dr. Pablo Turnes
(Universidad de Buenos Aires)
"Trauma, testimony and the politics of memory in 21st Century Latin American comics"
Prof. Dr. Patricio Valdivieso
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
"Rechtsreformen in Lateinamerika"