University students
Training/seminar entitled “European integration and gender: standing for equality” directed to university students coming from any discipline. Contents are focused on the integration processes institutional and legal frameworks, the diagnosis for the laws and policies development, and the implementation of the gender perspective in all sector policies. It will be both a classroom and on-line course. The seminar is designed for master students of social sciences - in particular sociologists, political scientists, economists and antropologists- with interest in gender studies. Students with mayor experiences an/or from other disciplines are invited to participate as well.
During the current semestre the seminar "Desigualdades de Género e integración europea" is held at the Freie Universität Berlin.
The seminar lecutured by PD Martha Zapata Galindo of the Freie Universität Berlin expolres political processes, institutions and initiatives which are related to the equality of gender within the EU. The objective of the seminar is to encourage discusions about the difficulties and restrictions of gender equality politics amongst students from differnet cultural and disciplinary backgrounds.
An introducction on the role of gender equality politics within processes of europoean integration is followed by an insight into transitions forstering gender equality impulsed by including sectorial politics for women (gender mainstreaming). Thus the development and importance of different diagnostical tools which seek to improve gender equality politics will be evaluated. Furthermore the seminar explores different fields within which gender eqaulity politicas have been strongly promted: social integration; representative politics and citizenship; gender based violence; education and science.
The seminar aims to develop skills by applying theory and emperical knowledge to intervene in debates about contemporary challenges gender equality initiatives have to face. It is offered within the Project G-NET: Equality training Network- EU contributions to gender mainstreaming and citizenship, cofinanced by the European Union within Jean Monnet de Erasmus+ program. It is offered once a term.