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Research Colloquium of Latin American History

Kolloquium Geschichte Lateinamerikas im WiSe 2024/25

Kolloquium Geschichte Lateinamerikas im WiSe 2024/25

In Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke's Research Colloquium of Latin American History, dissertations and research projects are presented. With MA students, doctoral students, postdocs and numerous vising scholars, we discuss the latest research on Latin American history.

During the lecture period, the colloquium takes place every Tuesday 4-6 pm as in-person or virtual sessions. The presentations and discussions are held in Spanish, English, Portuguese and/ or German.The program is always published at the beginning of the semester in April or October respectively.

You can download the current program as a PDF program here here and can see an overview of all individual sessions here. MA students who participate in the colloquium regularly and actively and want to present their project plan should please contact the course instructor at the beginning of the semester if possible.