Teaching research projects
The field of political science contributes to teaching research projects, where new forms of collective knowledge production are tested and applied. In teaching research projects, new teaching and learning methods are applied to strengthen cooperation between instructors and students. Insights gained in seminars and research stays are discussed together and presented to a broader audience with the help of new media.
The following projects are results of the teaching research in the field of political science in collaboration with other disciplines:
Transnational Autobiographies
Portraits of Female Scholars within Women's and Gender Studies in Latin America
Project module for the preparation and follow-up of student stays abroad (excursions, internships)
Cultures and Power
Excursion to Colombia: "Transregional Life Worlds and Cultural Spaces of the Amazon" (March 2016)
Excursion to Colombia: "Resources in Colombia – Inclusive and Exclusive Access to Education and Territory" (2015)
Excursion to Costa Rica/Nicaragua (March/April 2008)
Excursion to the border region of Mexico/USA (February/March 2006)