Didactics for Web based learning
Responsible for the project:
Name: Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig
Address: Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin
Tel.: 838 53094
Fax: 838 55464
E-Mail: mbraig@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Name: PD Dr. Martha Zapata Galindo
Address: Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin
Tel.: 838 55109
Fax: 838 55464
E-Mail: mizg@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Project coworkers:
Name: Jörg-Michael Baur
E-Mail: jbaur@cedis.fu-berlin.de
Name: Tabea Huth
E-Mail: tabea_huth@web.de
Name: Markus Müller
E-Mail: muellerm@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Name: Pablo Valdivia Orozco
E-Mail: p.valdivia@web.de
Name: Niels-Oliver Walkowski
E-Mail: nwalkowski@cedis.fu-berlin.de
Name: Ingrid Jäckel
Name: Moritz Micalef
E-Mail: flaminmoe@addcom.de
Short description:
The integration of the new media at the Latin America institute is a long-term process involving on-going instruction in the use of the university's learning management and content management systems, the development of didactic methods for courses and seminars, and support for the acquisition of information literacy skills.
The LAI is the leading user of the university's learning management system with over 70% of all courses currently online.