Women and Gender in Latin America
Responsible for the project:
Name: PD Dr. Martha Zapata Galindo
Address: Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin
Tel.: 838 53094
Fax: 838 55464
E-Mail: mizg@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Name: Dr. Stephanie Schütze
Address: Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin
Tel.: 838 53094
Fax: 838 55464
E-Mail: steschue@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Project coworkers:
Name: Beatriz Pantin Guerra
E-Mail: bpantin@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Name: Alejandro Flores
E-Mail: alexflo76@yahoo.com
Name: Andrea Meza Torres
E-Mail: meza77@gmx.de
Name: Niels Oliver Walkowski
E-Mail: nwalkowski@cedis.fu-berlin.de
Short description:
This Women and Gender in Latin America project involved the cooperation with students and lecturers of the Latin America Institute of the Free University of Berlin and financial support of the Center for Digital Systems (CeDis).
The project features the online publication of video interviews with researchers and scientists addressing gender studies in Latin America and associated with supporting materials, including presentation of biographies, media links, and relevant documentation.
In addition, didactical units were created to support the gender component of the interdisciplinary program of Latin American Studies (MA) and placed on the university's learning management system and is designed to support the addition of additional interviews, materials, and learning modules.