Renata Motta and Marco Teixeira present at the 44th anual meeting of ANPOCS
Renata Motta, Marco Antonio Teixeira, Camila Penna (UFRGS) and Priscila D. Carvalho (UFMG) present the work "Food systems in dispute: social movements' responses to the Covid-19 pandemic" at the 44th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Post-Graduation and Research in Social Sciences (Anpocs), held for the first time in a virtual form.
News from Dec 02, 2020
The work will be presented in the Working Group 41: Sociology of Food, Food and Eating: Emerging themes on 9th of December 2020. The presentation will show the first results of the research on the case study Covil-19 and food. The presentation focuses on the analysis of the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic on both food movements and activists' actions.