Participation Workshop: “It‘s the (bio)economy, stupid!” 7th-8th October 2020 at Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena
How can we create a dialogue between future visions of food movements and governmental strategies in Germany?
News from Oct 09, 2020
Food for Justice Researchers Carolin Küppers and Madalena Meinecke followed this question and presented their ideas on “Bioeconomy, Agroecology & Social Justice in Politics (and) on the Streets” at the Workshop: “It‘s the (bio)economy, stupid!” 7th-8th October 2020 at Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, organized by the Junior Research Group Mentalities in Flux (flumen). In their paper they compared the political strategies on bioeconomy in Germany and an empirical analysis of the survey data conducted at this year’s protest of Wir haben es satt!, in order to contrast the respective "visions of imagined futures" (Kean et al. 2010: 2899) that are involved in the concepts of agroecology and bioeconomy.