Madalena Meinecke

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
Researcher (2019-2023)
Social Inequalities, Super Food, Case Study Brazil - Germany
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin
Geschäftsstelle: Boltzmannstr. 1
Room 106
14195 Berlin
Geschäftsstelle: Boltzmannstr. 1
Room 106
14195 Berlin
Academic Positions
- Since 12/2019: Doctoral research assistant in the BMBF junior research group: Food for Justice: Power, Politics, and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy. Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
- Since 10/2019: Lecturer at Evangelische Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe, Bochum. Seminar Title: Power structures in the context of international social work. Module 3.4: Intercultural and International Social Work. Course cluster: International and intercultural comparative social work. Bachelor's degree program in Social Work.
- 2016: M.A., Social Sciences. Joint degree of Albert-Ludwigs-University (Freiburg) and FLACSO Argentina (Buenos Aires) in Global Studies. Thesis: The Relationship between Filmmaker, Subject and the Production Industry. Examining the Question of Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking.
- 2014: B.A., Social Work, Evangelische Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe, Bochum. Thesis: Soziale Arbeit in Indien. Eine Qualitative Studie über Motivation und Selbstverständnis von Entwicklungshelfern in Westbengalen.
Other Work Experience
- 11/16 – 10/17: Social Worker. Evangelisches Johannesstift Jugendhilfe gGmbH Inobhutnahmestelle Waldhof, Fürstenberg an der Havel
Presentations given
- 07/21: “CSA a revolutionary sustainable solution? Exploring discourses on sustainability, degrowth and socio-ecological transformation” with Federico Masson at the ISEE-ESEE Degrowth 2021 Conference: “Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis”. 5th – 8th July 2021, Manchester, UK.
- 05/21: “What is good food? Conceptual debates and empirical evidence from public perception in Brazil”. LASA - Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida. Virtual congress, 26th – 29th May 2021.
- 02/21: “Protest and Food. Mobilization, Consumer Behaviour and Motives of Participants of the Wir haben es satt! protest 2020”. IPSA USP Summer School in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- 10/20: “Bioeconomy, Agroecology & Social Justice in Politics (and) on the Streets Portrayal of Future Visions of Food Movements and in Policy Papers in Germany with Carolin Küppers. Workshops: "It's the (bio-)economy, stupid!" on the relation between the bioeconomy and economic growth. 7th – 8th October 2020, at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Editorial Experience
Food for Justice Working Paper Series
Professional Affiliations
Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- German | Native language
- English | Fluent
- Portuguese | Intermediate
- Spanish | Basic knowledge
- French | Basic knowledge
Research interests
Social sciences, Global studies, Political sociology, Food Studies, Agrarian sociology, "Good Food", Sustainability, Social inequalities, Degrowth theory, Postcolonial studies, Qualitative methodologies, ethnography, (protest) survey
coming soon...
Scholarships and travel grants
- 01/2015 – 06/2015: DAAD scholarship for summer semester at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand / M.A. Global Studies Programme
- 2013: DAAD travel grant for research trip to Shantiniketan, Indien. Data collection for the bachelor thesis: Social Work in India. A qualitative study on motivation and self-perception of development workers.
- 2012: DAAD travel grant for Research trip to Dhakar and Abéné (Senegal), Birkama (Gambia). Seminary work on the topic of the role of NGO/NPO and social work institutions in Senegal and Gambia.
- 2011/2012: DAAD scholarship for winter semester at Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), Belém, Brazil / B.A. Social Work.
- 2010: DAAD travel grant for research trip to Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Nazareth (Israel). Seminary work on the topic of migration and Jewish identity; problems and fields of work of social work in Israel; overview of areas of tension and controversies in Israeli society and the Middle East conflicts; exchange with students of Oranim College (near Haifa).
Research Reports
- Meinecke, Madalena; Motta, Renata; Neuber, Michael; Sommer, Moritz; Teune, Simon; Hennigfeld, Janina; Unkel, Noémi & Küppers, Carolin (2021). Politische Ernährung. Mobilisierung, Konsumverhalten und Motive von Teilnehmer*innen in der Wir haben es satt!-Demonstration 2020, Food for Justice Working Paper Series (Nr. 3). Berlin: Food for Justice: Power, Politics, and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy. ISBN: 978-3-96110-366-9
Articles in Newspapers, Magazines and Websites
- Motta, Renata; Meinecke, Madalena (2020). Soziale Bewegungen für eine Agrar- und Ernährungswende: