Dr. Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika - Institut
Postdoctoral Fellow
Projekthaus Boltzmannstr. 1
Room 202
14195 Berlin
since 2021 – Postdoctoral Researcher – DFG Walter Benjamin Programme Project: Intersecting ‘Race and Sexual Diversity’ in Transnational Advocacy: Local and Global Opportunities and Constraints in Latin American and Caribbean Activism.
2016 – 2017 – Visiting Student Researcher, Birkbeck, University of London.
2015 – 2019 – PhD in Social Sciences, University of Campinas (Unicamp).
2014 – 2014 – Visiting Scholar, Graduate Program in Sociology, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY).
2013 – 2015 – MSc. in Social Anthropology, University of Campinas (Unicamp).
2009 – 2012 – BSc. in Social Sciences with emphasis in Social Anthropology, University of Campinas (Unicamp).
Teaching and Teaching Assistant Positions
August – December 2017: Sociology, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Campinas, Brazil.
August – December 2015: Teaching assistance at undergraduate level, Anthropology II, University of Campinas, Brazil (with Professor Dr. Isadora Lins França, Department of Anthropology).
February – June 2014: Teaching assistance at undergraduate level, Anthropology III, University of Campinas/Brazil (with Professor Dr. Susana Durão, Department of Antropology).
Research Interests
Social Movements
LGBTQIA+ Movements
Black and Afro-descendant social and cultural movements
Political Anthropology
Identity Politics
Research Experience
Ongoing: Intersecting ‘Race and Sexual Diversity’ in Transnational Advocacy: Local and Global Opportunities and Constraints in Latin American and Caribbean Activism. Funding Agency: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
2015 – 2019: PhD Research: (Re)Making subjects and rights: dynamics of production of political identities from the LGBT movement. Funding Agencies: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and National Bureau of Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq)
2016 – 2017: Research Internship Abroad: Dynamics of production of collective political identities in the LGBT Movement: intersecting race, gender and sexuality, Birkbeck, University of London (London, United Kingdom). Funding Agency: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
2013 – 2015: Master’s Research: The Borders of politics: relationships and disputes in field of the LGBT movement in Campinas, Brazil (1995-2013). Funding Agency: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
2014 – 2014: Research Internship Abroad Scholarship, City University of New York (CUNY) (New York, USA). Funding Agency: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
2012 – 2013: Scientific Initiation (Undergraduate Research). Funding Agency: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
2011 – 2012: Scientific Initiation (Undergraduate Research). Funding Agency: National Bureau of Scientific and Technological Research (CNPq).
2010 – 2011: Scientific Initiation (Undergraduate Research). Funding Agency: University of Campinas’ Students Service.
- Zanoli, Vinícius, 2020. Bradando contra todas as opressões! Ativismos LGBT, negros, populares e periféricos em relação. Salvador, Brazil: Devires.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (Selected)
Zanoli, Vinícius, 2020. “Negros, LGBTI e periféricos: o impacto das relações entre movimentos na consolidação de ativismos interseccionais.” Controversias, 215.
Zanoli, Vinícius (with Rubens Mascarenhas Neto), 2019. “Black, LGBT and from the Favelas: An Ethnographic Account on Disidentificatory Performances of an Activist Group in Brazil.” Culture Unbound, 11 (1), 124-140. https://doi.org/10.3384/cu.2000.1525.2019111124.
Zanoli, Vinícius, 2019. “‘Mais ativista do que gestora’: ativismo institucional no campo do movimento LGBT em Campinas.” Sociologia & Antropologia, 9 (2), 495-517. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2238-38752019v927.
Zanoli, Vinícius, with Rubens Mascarenhas Neto, 2016. “Escola, política, família e religião: disputas em torno da chamada ideologia de gênero.” Novos Debates: Fórum de Debates em Antropologia, 2 (2), 77-81.
Zanoli, Vinícius, with Thiago de Oliveira Falcão, 2015. “‘Desmanche’: notas sobre as disputas em torno da legitimidade das políticas LGBT no Brasil.” Cadernos de Campo (USP, 1991), 24, 164-289. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9133.v24i24p264-289.