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Field project 280 hours (10 LP)

Verlaufsplan 3. Fachsemester Masterstudiengang Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikastudien (SPO 2023)

Verlaufsplan 3. Fachsemester Masterstudiengang Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikastudien (SPO 2023)

Feldprojekt im 3. Fachsemester

Feldprojekt im 3. Fachsemester

Qualification aims

Students can independently carry out a regional research project within a chosen field at home or abroad. They are able to assess their knowledge, apply it to their own project, and justify their approach. They can plan the project adequately and reflect on it theoretically. In addition, they have the necessary methodological skills to implement it in the field over a fixed period of time and to subsequently process and discuss the collected data appropriately in compliance with academic and ethical standards (see module Academic practice). In addition, they are highly motivated and have effective time management, social, and decision-making skills, and are aware of their (ethical) responsibility. Regarding diverse fields of work and activities, as well as engaging with different cultures and societies and their diverse testimonies, views, and practices, students completing the field project are aware of interdependent inequalities and show sensitivity to the dynamics of gender, diversity, and power. 


If the student chooses to do a field project in research, this can be conducted in Germany or abroad both in person and online, i.e., remotely with the appropriate technical support. Independent development and implementation of a research-oriented study project enhances the student’s ability to work academically. The student’s thesis supervisor provides guidance throughout the field project, which may include research in archives, quantitative research—for example, surveys or interviews—and participatory observations. The project, content, goals, and time frame (dates and scope) are defined in advance (Beratungsprotokoll) and recorded in writing (Formular "Feldprojekt") + checklist. Communication with the supervisor continues throughout the field project. Interim and final results are presented and discussed. In addition to the main results, the development of competencies and the consolidation of knowledge of theories and methods as well as regional studies expertise regarding the research-oriented study project are documented in a final report.


Teaching and learning methods: Externes Praktikum (P)

Module exam: Report (approx. 5 pages); this module examination is not evaluated differentiated

offer: every semester

In addition, the report will be published on the WiPra blog, if necessary in abridged form and adapted with regard to sensitive data, with or without name and with or without password protection, and thus made accessible to fellow students and subsequent generations.