Contexts and Concepts of Latin American Studies (10 LP)
Students learn to analyze key concepts and terminology, as well as to understand and classify the scholarly contribution of discourse-constituting texts and debates in Latin American studies from both historical and contemporary perspectives, considering their contexts of emergence and changing contexts of use. Students gain interdisciplinary and subject-specific textual and theoretical competence as well as social skills and intersectional sensitivity through cooperative forms of work. Students also learn the principles of good academic practice, which they can apply independently and across disciplines to foundational debates of Latin American studies. From these debates, students learn to conceptualize, discuss, and outline short research texts.
ContentIn this course, students engage with key texts and central conceptualizations of current Latin American studies in their historical development and understand their different uses from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition, the course presents exemplary historical and interdisciplinary circulation dynamics of concepts and illustrates the transformation of their meaning in changing contexts. Students are provided with critical overviews of the various approaches to social and cultural analysis and gender and diversity studies, fostering their skills in textual interpretation. Students develop their own outlines according to their scholarly interests with attention to the key texts and terminology discussed. In a short introductory exercise, students learn the principles of academic work and, above all, good academic practice.
EssentialsTeaching and learning methods: Grundkurs (GK) + Seminar (S) + Übung (Ü) zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis
Module Exam: oral exam (approx. 20 Minuten)
Offer: every winter semester