Interdisciplinary theories and methods of gender studies (10 LP)
In this introductory module,students acquire basic knowledge of the interdisciplinary theories and methods of gender studies in their different disciplinary backgrounds. The module serves as a common basis for further studies within the chosen profile area. Special attention is paid to intersectional and decolonial approaches as well as the epistemologies of the South. Students learn to analyze quantitative and qualitative data from a gender perspective, evaluate it critically, and present it independently. They also learn to select and apply social science and humanities methods for projects. In addition, they gain sound knowledge of the interdisciplinary debate of gender categories and an analytical understanding of the central issues and concepts of gender research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as of gender and diversity mainstreaming, especially in Latin American debates.
ContentStudents are introduced to the methods of interdisciplinary gender research with special consideration of intersectional and decolonial approaches as well as epistemologies of the South. The module addresses humanities and social science methods, which have been and are being expanded by means of a gender perspective. It teaches the basic principles of academic criticism, from which a gender-sensitive epistemology has been developed. Through different interdisciplinary paradigms, the module focuses on and evaluates specific methodological applications. In addition, students critically examine central concepts and the theoretical approaches of gender research. They can assign various constructions of gender stereotypes and normative gender roles to their respective historical contexts of origin, especially in Latin America, and analyze debates in the social sciences and humanities from a gender perspective. Special attention is paid to the relationship between research interests and choice of method, as well as to the (self)-reflection of researchers. Students engage in critical analyses of the implementation of gender and diversity policies and programs.
EssentialsTeaching and learning methods: Vorlesung (V) + Hauptseminar (HS)
Module exam: Term paper (approx. 15 pages)
Offer: every winter semester