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M.A. Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikastudien

M.A. Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikastudien

The degree program is part of the interdisciplinary tradition of teaching and research at the Institute for Latin American Studies. The Master's program prepares students to analyze and interpret historical, political, social processes and cultural dynamics and to place them in the appropriate context. In addition to regional expertise on Latin America, intercultural issues and gender studies topics are also dealt with. The Master's degree program offers

  • combination of regional expertise with subject-specific methodology,
  • interdisciplinary integration and disciplinary specialization,
  • internationality through the possibility of a semester abroad, for example,
  • practical relevance through the project module and
  • research and professional practice orientation in the 3rd semester.



Start of studies: always in October for the 1st semester (part-time study possible)

Focus: choice between the four profiles A Historical-cultural action, representations, and interconnections, B Transformation, development, and inequalities, C Brazil in a global context or D Gender relations, ways of life, transformations

Languages of instruction: German, Spanish, Portuguese and English

Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.), standard period of study four semesters

Costs: no tuition fees, only semester fees and contributions

Goals: acquisition or deepening of academic and professional interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that enable later professional activity in a broad field within and outside the university