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Essential Bibliography


Appadurai, Arjun (2013). The future as cultural fact. Essays on the global condition, London: Verso.

Augé, Marc (2015). The Future, London: Verso

Beckert, Jens (2016). Imagined Futures. Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000). Provincializing Europe. Postcolonial Thought and Historial Difference, Princeton: University of Princeton Press.

Elias, Norbert (1984). Über die Zeit. Arbeiten zur Wissenssoziologie II, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.

Fabian, Johannes (1983). Time and the Other: How Anthropology makes its Object, New York: Columbia University Press.

Ferguson, Andrew G. (2017). The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement, New York: NYU Press.

Hartog, François (2003). Régimes d’historicité. Presentisme et experiences du temps, Paris: Le Seuil.

Hausberger, Bernd/Pérez Montfort, Ricardo/Rinke, Stefan/Zamorano Villarreal, Claudia (eds.) (2024). Temporalidades del futuro. Lo colonial, lo posible y lo político. Vol. I, Mexico: El Colegio de México.

Illich, Ivan (1973). Selbstbegrenzung. Eine politische Kritik der Technik, Reinbek: Rowohlt.

Jansen, Maarten/Pérez Jiménez, Gabina A. (2017). Time and the Ancestors. Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art, Leiden: Brill.

Latour, Bruno (1993). We Have Never Been Modern, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Mignolo, Walter (2011). The Darker Side of Western Modernity. Global Futures, Decolonial Options, Durham, London: Duke University Press.

Motta Zamalloa, Edmundo (2015). Pacha. Visión andina del espaciotiempo en la perspectiva del pensamiento seminal, Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Poli, Roberto (2017). Introduction to Anticipation Studies, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Valencia García, Guadalupe (2010). Tiempos mexicanos, Madrid: Sequitur.

Zubiri, Xavier (2001). Espacio, tiempo, materia, 1. reimpr., Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


Gingrich, Andre/Ochs, Elinor/Swedlund, Alan (2002). “Repertoire of Timekeeping in Anthropology”, Current Anthropology 43(2), 3–4.

Iparraguirre, Gonzalo (2016). “Time, temporality and cultural rhythmics. An anthropological case study”, Time & Society 25(3), 613–633.

Kummels, Ingrid/Noack, Karoline (2011). “Los incas y el ayllu en el espacio transatlántico. Apuntes preliminares para una historia entrelazada entre Perú y Europa”, Indiana, 28, 153–167.

Laak, Dirk van (2008). “Planung. Geschichte und Gegenwart des Vorgriffs auf die Zukunft”, Geschichte und Gesellschaft 34(3), 305–326.

Xu, Jilin (1995). “Aspirations. A Historical Evaluation and Its Cultural Implications”, Chinese Sociology & Anthropology 27(4), 46–48.

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