Wendy Bazán Landeros

International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future in Latin America'
PhD Candidate
Project: "Aspirations and future projections on rural development in Mexico. Rural Mayan and Mennonite youth facing the government proposal to eliminate glyphosate and GMOs in the context of the first 'leftist' government in Mexico"
Room 004
14195 Berlin
Since 05/2022 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
09/2021– 2022 |
Certificate (diplomado) in ‘Soberanías Alimentarias y Gestión de Incidencia Local Estratégica’, CONACYT-CIATEJ |
09/2019 – 08/2021 |
Master in Social Anthropology, Research Center in Higher Studies in Anthropology (CIESAS) |
06/2017– 12/2017 |
Scholarship in Training in Techniques and Research Methodologies, Investigation line: ‘La privatización de la propiedad social en México. (I) legalidad e (I) legitimidad social de la enajenación de tierras ejidales en un contexto neoliberal’, Research Center in Higher Studies in Anthropology, CIESAS-Península |
04/2014– 12/2014 |
Exchange Student, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, DGECI-UNAM Scholarship Holder |
08/2013 – 08/2017 |
Bachelor in Intercultural Development and Management at the Peninsular Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEPHCIS), UNAM |
Work Experience
Since 05/2022 |
Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
06/2021 – 06/2022 |
Project Management "Dialogue of knowledge and agroecology for the strengthening of local food sovereignty in communities Mayan in the municipality of Mérida, Yucatán", Agroecology Fund. |
2019 – 2020 |
Consultant of the Cooperative of Mayan indigenous beekeepers S.S.S Producers United Lol K'aax. |
2017-2019 |
Promoter in the project "Strategies for participatory, community and sustainable development in the Chenes region, Campeche" CIESAS-Muuch Kamba A.C. |
05/2017 – 2022 |
Network member “Red peninsular de apoyo al litigio estratégico a favor de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades campesinas”, Due Process of Law Foundation-DPLF |
06/2017 – 12/2017 |
Research Assistant, Prof. Dra. Gabriela Torres-Mazuera, Interdisciplinary Research Project - “La privatización de la propiedad social en México. (I) legalidad e (I) legitimidad social de la enajenación de tierras ejidales en un contexto neoliberal” |
Project: "Aspirations and future projections on rural development in Mexico. Rural Mayan and Mennonite youth facing the government proposal to eliminate glyphosate and GMOs in the context of the first 'leftist' government in Mexico"
In 2019, for the first time, a first self-proclaimed leftist government was democratically elected in Mexico. The new government created an expectation of change using a "post-neoliberal" rhetoric that placed historically marginalized groups at the center of its policy: "poor people go first." This spirit of change translated into new programs and projects focused on peasant and indigenous groups that introduced "sustainability" and "agroecology" precepts to Mexican rural policy, as well as legislations meeting a series of demands concerning the revaluation of indigenous cultures and care for the environment that had been raised among civil society groups. In particular, it addressed the demand for the prohibition of transgenic corn (GMO), and the herbicide glyphosate (both owned by Bayer-Monsanto), through a presidential decree that seeks its eradication by 2024.
These progressive proposals, however, have developed due to the support and disposition of capital from hegemonic actors -scholars and government officials-, and not due to the pressure of an organized peasant social base (Bazán, 2021). This means that there may be perspectives for the future different from those promoted by "left" wing actors that have to do with the aspirations of those projected as beneficiaries of such proposals. Through the use of ethnographic tools such as in-depth interviews and focus groups, I propose to carry out a comparative socio-anthropological analysis between the future projections of the new government and the aspirations of rural Mayan and Mennonite youth living in an intercultural context in the Mexican southeast.
In this regard, this proposal aims to contribute to what Arjun Appadurai has defined as an Anthropology of the Future, by proposing an analysis in the current context considering the understanding of local future projections in the global context and vice versa, which demands comparison between societies culturally situated and the need for dialogue with other disciplines (Haraway, 1995). With this I seek, in addition to further theoretical debates on the science of anticipation and future studies, to contribute to political and social debates of current relevance in Mexico.
Bazán, Wendy, (2023) El enfoque agroecológico en el gobierno de la 4T: La construcción discursiva ante la heterogeneidad campesina” in T. Rivera-Núñez, H. N. Roldán-Rueda y A. Guzmán Luna (eds.) Márgenes agroalimentarios en México. Experiencias de estudio y debates teóricos, CopIt-arXives e Ineco, pp 145-165.
Torres-Mazuera, Gabriela; Bazán, Wendy; Boué, Celine; Gómez, Irma; Vides, Eric (2020) Expansión agroindustrial y tratos agrarios en una región biodiversa de la Península de Yucatán, in Torres-Mazuera y K. Appendini (eds.) La regulación imposible. (I)legalidad e (I)legitimidad en los mercados de tierra en México al inicio del siglo XXI. El Colegio de México, pp.111-161.
Bazán, Wendy (2021) “Entre el mundo virtual y los recuerdos: la construcción de una investigación etnográfica en tiempos de pandemia”. Ichan Tecolotl, Conacyt-CIESAS 33, 352, September, 2021.