Rubens Mascarenhas Neto (they/them)

International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future in Latin America'
PhD Candidate
Project: "The Travelling Venuses: Brazilian Travestis,Transformistas and Drag Queens in German Travestieshow (1960s-Today)"
Room 004
14195 Berlin
Since 12/2023 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
Since 11/2019 |
PhD Candidate in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika-Institut, Germany |
07/2023 – 12/2023 |
Mecila Doctoral Researcher, Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, CEBRAP, University of São Paulo. |
10/2016 – 04/2017 |
Research Internship Abroad, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom. |
03/2015 – 02/2018 |
MSc. in Social Anthropology, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil |
04/2014 – 07/ 2014 |
Research Internship Abroad, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)/ Centre Européen de Sociologie et Science Politique (CESSP) (France). |
03/2011 – 12/2014 |
BSc. in Social Sciences, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil |
Work Experience
04/2023 – 07/2023 |
Lehrbeauftragte at the Seminar 29642-S23: "Ethnography and Political Mobilization: Debates in Contemporary Political Anthropology, FU-Berlin |
03/2020 – 11/2020 |
Research consultant for the “Queer as German Folk” exhibition by Goethe-Institut São Paulo (GI-SP) & Museu da Diversidade Sexual de São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil. |
05/2015 – 11/2017 |
MSc researcher. FAPESP. |
08/2013 – 11/2014 |
Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation. FAPESP – IC. |
08/2012 – 06/2013 |
Undergraduate Researcher - Scientific Initiation. CNPq/ PIBIC-Unicamp. |
Grants and Fellowships
07/2023 – 12/2023 |
Mecila Doctoral Researcher Funding (Third-party): BMBF |
10/2021 – 07/2023 |
Research Grant Doctoral Programmes in Germany - PhD. Research Funding (Third-party): DAAD |
12/2020 – 09/2021 |
Elsa-Neumann Stipendium für Promovierende – PhD. Research Funding (Third-party): Dahlem Research School/NaFöG. |
06/2019 – 08/ 2019 |
Teststipendium für potentielle internationale Doktorand*nnen. Funding: Centre for International Cooperation/ FU-Berlin. |
10/2016 – 04/2017 |
Research Internship Abroad - MSc. Research Funding (Third-party): FAPESP – BEPE-MS. |
05/2015 – 11/2017 |
MSc. Scholarship. Funding (Third-party): FAPESP – MS. |
04/2014 – 07/2014 |
Research Internship Abroad - Scientific Initiation. Funding (Third-party): FAPESP – BEPE-IC. |
08/2013 – 11/2014 |
Undergraduate Research - Scientific Initiation. Funding (Third-party): FAPESP – IC. |
08/2012 – 06/2013 |
Undergraduate Research - Scientific Initiation. Funding (Third-party): CNPq/ PIBIC-Unicamp. |
Project: "The Travelling Venuses: Brazilian Travestis,Transformistas and Drag Queens in German Travestieshow (1960s-Today)"
Since the 1960s, Brazilian travestis, transformistasand drag queens have performed on Western European stages. This proposal analyses the constitution of artistic and professional careers of Brazilian migrants in the Travestieshow scene in Germany from the 1960s onwards, observing transformations and continuities in a globalised entertainment market. By investigating migration projects related to artistic careers, the proposal addresses gaps in the scholarship on Brazilian migration to Germany and LGBTQ migration from Brazil to Europe. Through analysing the social markers of difference (such as race and nationality) in both artists’ and media discourses, I seek to understand the role of racial and national stereotypes in artistic careers and the entertainment sector. The methodology includes archive research, in-depth interviews, participant observation, and digital ethnography. Research outputs consist of an ethnography of Brazilian migrant artists in Germany, theoretical developments on migration, social markers of difference and anthropology of transnational networks. Partial and final results will be disseminated through articles and presentations at conferences. This research contributes to a critical analysis of processes of otherness in German and Brazilian societies, as well as documenting the history of overlooked artists.
Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2020). Da praça aos palcos: caminhos da construção de uma carreira drag queen. Editora Devires, Brazil. ISBN: 978-65-86481-08-2
Chapters (selection)
Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2023). “Mães, filhas, irmãs e queens: Reflexões sobre as redes de afeto entre drag queens”. In: Freitas, E; Pinto, R. & Zanoli, V. (orgs), Política, Cultura e Sexualidade na América Latina. Editora da UFCAT, Brazil.
Zanoli, V. & Mascarenhas, R. (2019). “We are favela: an ethnographic account on the production of identities, cultures and places”. In: Brunnström, P. & Claesson, R. (Eds) Creating the City: Identity, Memory and Participation. Conference proceedings (pp. 421-440). Malmö University Publications in Urban Studies - MAPIUS (23), Sweden. DOI:
Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2015). “Estudos sobre mulheres, gênero e sexualidade no Brasil: os Encontros Anuais da ANPOCS (1979-2012)”. (Poster). In: Ramos, T. R. O., Zandoná, J., Duarte, C. R., Osório, J. T. (Eds) Fazendo Gênero 10 Imagens e Memória: um livro-pôster (p.95). Florianópolis: Copiart.
Articles (selection)
Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2023). “‘Die schwarze Venus aus Rio de Janeiro’: notes on race, nationality, class, gender, and sexuality in an artistic career between Brazil and Germany”. Travessia – Revista do Migrante, 96. Available at:
Schmidt, B. B. & Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2021). “History and Memory of Dissident Sexualities from Latin America: An Analysis of the Foundation, Current Activities, and Projects of AMAI LGBTQIA+”. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion, 5(4). DOI:
Mascarenhas Neto, R. (2021). “É tudo uma máfia”: trânsitos e tensões na busca de um lugar no palco. Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad, 37. DOI:
Mascarenhas Neto, R. & Zanoli, V. (2019). “Black, LGBT and from the favelas: an ethnographic account on disidentificatory performances of an activist group in Brazil”. Culture Unbound, 11(1), pp. 124-140. DOI:
Mascarenhas Neto, R. & Zanoli, V. (2016) “Escola, política, família e religião: disputas em torno da chamada ideologia de gênero”. Novos Debates - fórum de debates em antropologia, 2(1), pp. 77-81. Available at: