Luz Helena Rodríguez Tapia

International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future'
PhD Candidate
Project: "To leave, to stay or to wait. About the settlement processes of the Honduran population in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico"
Since 05/2023 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
08/2020 |
PhD Candidate in Population Studies, El Colegio de México (COLMEX) |
08/2019 |
Certificate in “Human Trafficking“, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) |
08/2016 |
Master in Population Studies, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) |
07/2011 |
Exchange Student, Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia. DGECI-UNAM Scholarship Holder |
08/2008 |
Bachelor in Sociology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) |
Project: "To leave, to stay or to wait. About the settlement processes of the Honduran population in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico"
The project aims to answer the question about the manner and mechanisms under which the settlement operates in migrants who arrived in Mexico from 2015 to the present and who reside, temporarily or permanently, in the northern part of the country, mainly in the metropolitan areas of Monterrey and Tijuana, Mexico. In particular, it seeks to inquire on what a person chooses to settle in a certain city, and how this relates to the migration project -in which the risks of displacement and the advantages of "staying" are foreseen- as well as to local incorporation -in terms of labor markets, social networks, migration status, humanitarian infrastructure, and access to social and/or urban services-.
Thus, the interest is in the motivations that migrants have, to build their future. First at origin and then at the current place of settlement. In the origin, to cover the factors of expulsion, the conditions and personal reasons of a migrant group leaving a country where violence in its multiple forms, economic backwardness, environmental degradation and the precariousness of life are the norm. In the current place of establishment, to explore the dynamics and reasons that make this population inhabit a space that, many times, they did not have contemplated as a final destination, but that is placed as an alternative option, when not being able to enter or remain in the United States. This is due to the tightening of immigration policies and border controls, the criminalization of undocumented persons and the dangers of transit caused by the presence of organized crime.
The study of the Honduran migrant populationthat is in Mexico brings us closer to the knowledge of a migrant group composed of actors who have the time as the center of their concerns. Challenged by globalization and regional dynamics, these 21st century migrants look to the past, to their places of origin, where they shaped practices of aspiration and anticipation, and inserted in their present, in a new Mexican reality, they manage moments of uncertainty and vulnerability, where they wish to build safer and fairer futures, in a sociocultural heterogeneous context of arrival.
Nájera Aguirre, Jéssica; Rodríguez-Tapia, Luz Helena (2020): “Vínculos demográficos y factores de emigración en los países de la región norte de Centroamérica”, in: D. Villafuerte & M. Anguiano (eds.), Movilidad humana en tránsito: retos de la Cuarta Transformación en política migratoria. México: CLACSO / UNICACH / CESMECA, pp. 27-74.
Rodríguez Tapia, Luz Helena (2020): “El flujo migratorio China-México: recuento de la diáspora, la inserción y la experiencia de los chinos en el país”, in: L. Arsovka (ed.), América Latina y el Caribe - China. Historia, Cultura y Aprendizaje del chino 2019, México: Red América Latina y el Caribe sobre China, pp. 303-319.
Faret, Laurent; Anguiano Téllez, María y Rodríguez-Tapia, Luz Helena (2021): “Migration Management and Changes in Mobility Patterns in the North and Central American Region”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 9, 2: 63-79.
Rodríguez-Tapia, Luz Helena; Anguiano Téllez, María (2019): “Trayectorias laborales y redes sociales de nuevos inmigrantes chinos residentes en México”, Migración y Desarrollo, 17, 33: 83-105.
Rodríguez-Tapia, Luz Helena (2019): “El papel de las políticas migratorias dentro del flujo migratorio China-México”, Diarios del Terruño: Reflexiones sobre migración y movilidad, 8: 57-73.