Elsa Paulina Segovia Elizarrarás

International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future'
PhD Candidate
Project: "The use of cryptocurrencies as a hedging instrument in unstable Latin American economies: The Argentinean and Salvadoran Case"
Since 01/2022 |
PhD Student in economics, ‘Posgrado de la Facultad de Economía’ UNAM, Mexico |
08/2017 – 07/2019 |
Masters in economics at ‘Posgrado de la Facultad de Economía’ UNAM, Mexico |
08/2006 – 10/2010 |
Bachelor in financial economics at ‘Escuela Bancaria y Comercial’, Mexico |
Work Experience
Since 08/2018 |
Assistant Professor in ‘Facultad de Economía’ UNAM, Mexico |
Project: "The use of cryptocurrencies as a hedging instrument in unstable Latin American economies: The Argentinean and Salvadoran Case"
The purpose of this project is to study the possible effects of the increasing usage and acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a payment method and as a savings strategy to avoid inflation in countries with volatile legal currencies such as El Salvador and Argentina. In which the first case, became the first country to give cryptocurrencies legal tender, and the latter has chosen a more traditional pad by implementing regulation despite the increasing amount of users.
Segovia, Paulina, El Infalsificable. El fracaso de un billete nacional en la Revolución del Huertismo en 1913, in “Relatos e Historias de México”, Editorial Raíces, núm.163, mayo 2022
ISBN: mx_relatosehistorias_163
Segovia, Paulina (2023): De la Estabilidad Monetaria a la Libre Flotación, in „Historia Económica del Peso Mexicano: Del mercado global a la gestión política de la moneda“, Antonio Ibarra y Bernd Hausberger (coord), El Colegio de México, Ciudad de México. ISBN: 978-607-564-459-2
Segovia, Paulina (2022): Mecanismos de adaptación e inserción a la dinámica global a principios del siglo xx: una períférica, in „América Latina en la historia global“, Carlos Rioja, Stefan Rinke (coord), Miradas latinoamericanas, CLACSO, Siglo XXI, Ciudad de México.