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X-Student Research Groups WS24-25

Oct 15, 2024 - Jan 27, 2025
Poster X-Student Research Group WS 24-25

Poster X-Student Research Group WS 24-25

Seminars: Student Research Opportunities

Berlin University Alliance (BUA)

Winter Semester 2024-25

As part of the X-Student Research Groups and the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Alexandre Nogueira Martins, Pia Berghoff and Alejandra García Herrera offer seminars for students based on their own PhD research projects.

Global Entanglements of Social Movements: Reimagining the Future in and beyond Germany

Alexandre Nogueira Martins, Sociology

How are the contemporary social movements in Germany connected to mobilizations in other parts of the world? How have visions of the future and political practices that anticipate the future circulated in social movements beyond national borders? This Research Group will introduce the students in critical theories and methodologies to studying discourses and practices of social movements. Students will receive supervision in investigating a contemporary social movement of their choice and their global connections. They will be able to develop their skills in conducting interviews, analysing documents, and elaborating scientific presentations. The Research Group is open to Master and advanced Bachelor students from Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, Gender Studies and other related sciences, who are interested in developing their skills in qualitative research and furthering their knowledge of political sociology and global dimensions in contemporary sociology.


Opening session: Wednesday 16 October, 2024 - 10h-13h
Seminar Room 009, Boltzmannstr. 4, 14195 Berlin

More info and registration: https://bit.ly/XFutures

Temporalities of Migration: Migrationspolitiken, -erfahrungen und -praktiken analysieren und zeitlich verstehen

Pia Berghoff, Anthropology

Seit einiger Zeit rücken in der Migrationsforschung zeitliche Dimensionen in den Vordergrund. Nicht erst seit der Coronapandemie, aber seitdem sichtbarer, zielen Migrationspolitiken darauf ab, Migration durch zeitliche Mechanismen wie chronisches Warten oder unvorhergesehene Beschleunigung von Prozessen steuerbar zu machen. Im Seminar wollen wir uns diesen zeitlichen Dimensionen widmen: Inwieweit sind Migrationspolitiken, -prozesse und -erfahrungen durch Zeitlichkeit(en) gekennzeichnet und welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede können wir dabei auf unterschiedlichen Migrationskorridoren feststellen? Das Seminar richtet sich an Masterstudierende sozial- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Fächer mit einem Interesse an qualitativer Migrationsforschung. Nach einem einführenden theoretischen Teil wird der Schwerpunkt auf methodischen Zugängen und der Ausarbeitung eigener Fallstudien liegen. Fortgeschrittene Bachelorstudierende können nach vorheriger Absprache ebenfalls am Seminar teilnehmen.


Opening session: Friday 18 October, 2024 - 10-12 Uhr
Lateinamerica Institut, Room K02, Rüdesheimerstr. 54-56

More info and registrierung: https://bit.ly/temporalities

Lessons for the future: 100 Years of Surrealist Periodicals

Alejandra García Herrera, Literature

The year 2024 celebrates 100 years of surrealism, and its periodicals emerge as a potential object of study to establish connections with contemporary challenges. From literary essays to collage and photomontage, surrealists employed innovative techniques to engage the reader. The main research question of the project is: What do surrealist periodicals, in both content and editorial practices, teach us about contemporary issues and the circulation of art? Students will choose a specific publication for developing their own archive research. The seminar will include roundtables, counselling sessions, conferences by experts, museum visits, and a small exercise in fanzine creation. At the end, students should prepare a short essay to publish in the course fanzine. Previous knowledge of the subject is not required; only basic research skills and creativity. The seminar aims to improve skills for managing sources and analysing material related to art history or visual arts.


Opening session: Tuesday 15 October, 2024 - 11-12 h
Seminar Room 009, Boltzmannstr. 4, 14195 Berlin

More info and registration: https://bit.ly/SurrealFutures

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