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Stefan Rinke receives the DRS Award for Excellent Supervision

Klaus Mühlhahn und Stefan Rinke bei der Verleihung des DRS-Award for Excellent Supervision

Klaus Mühlhahn und Stefan Rinke bei der Verleihung des DRS-Award for Excellent Supervision
Image Credit: Freie Universität/ Regina Sablotny

News from Dec 18, 2019

On occasion of the Ernst Reuter Tag 2019 Stefan Rinke was awarded the prize of the Dahlem Research School for the excellent supervision of his doctoral students.

In his laudatory speech, the head of DRS, Dr. Markus Edler, emphasized that Stefan Rinke, speaker of the International Research Training Group "Entre Espacios" (2009-2018) as well as the International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future" established in 2019, provided excellent support for his doctoral students at the Institute for Latin American Studies by building bridges between various research contexts and different generations of scientists in Germany and Latin America.

Please find a link to the original article under the following link.

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