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How can I apply for the doctoral programme of the International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Temporalities of Future”?

You must have completed a master’s degree in one of the following disciplines: Cultural and Social Anthropology, History, Literatures and Cultures of Latin America, Economics, Political Science, Sociology or Historical Education Studies. Moreover, your research project should be thematically related to the IRTG “Temporalities of Future - Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation”, and specifically to one of the following research lines: protagonists of the future, projections into the future or processes that affect the future. 

Every three years there is a call for applications for new PhD candidates at the IRTG Berlin/Potsdam. Every year the Mexican side opens a call of application for PhD research stays (2-12 months) in Berlin/Potsdam. You will find both kind of Calls for application on our website.

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