The members of the IRTG "Temporalities of Future" have won several prestigious prizes in Germany and abroad
- Lorena López Jauregui receives the "2004 Publication Grant" for the release of her book "América y la gente con historia. El Congreso Internacional de Americanistas y los efectos del networking académico en la ciencia, los museos y las temporalidades, 1885-1915" published by UNAM San Antonio ediciones.
- On September 2024, Wendy Bazán wins the 2004 Arturo Warman's Award edition for her Master thesis: "Entre la construcción discursiva y las prácticas productivas. Las disputas en torno a los cultivos transgénicos, el glifosato y la política de desarrollo rural en el gobierno de la 4T".
- Pia Berghoff was awarded in June 2024 the prize of the section "Migrations, Displacements and Mobilities" of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) for her article "Gendering the temporalities of transit migration: Biographical temporalities and maintenance time. The case of migrant women waiting in Tijuana, Mexico”.
- José Francisco Hernandez was awarded in May 2024 the Adlaf-Preis of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung for his doctoral thesis: "De súbditos otomanos a 'franceses del Oriente': una aproximación histórica al sentido de pertenencia de la población arabófona de México, 1908-1925".
- Friedrich-Meinecke-Prize 2023 for José Francisco Hernández Reyes. On December 13 2023, our postdoctoral fellow José Francisco Hernández Reyes was awarded the Friedrich-Meinecke-Preis for his outstanding doctoral thesis in History “De súbditos otomanos a ‘franceses del Oriente’: Una aproximación histórica al sentido de pertenencia de la población arabófona de México, 1908-1925“.
- In December 2024, Dieter Ingenschay received the prestigious "Premio Ñ" in its third edition from the King Felipe VI of Spain.
- The International Society for the Study of Time (ISST) awarded Ricardo Uribe the Founder’s Prize for New Scholars at the 18th triennial conference in Yamaguchi 2023. Ricardo Uribe, PhD Alumni of the IRTG 'Temporalities of Future', was awarded 2023 Founder’s Prize for New Scholars at the 18th triennial conference in Yamaguchi. The prize was given to Ricardo Uribe for his essay on Indigenous Clockmakers, Schedules, and Quantitative Time in the Spanish Colonies (16th Century).
- Liliana Weinberg received the "Premio Internacional Alfonso Reyes 2021" Trajectory Award. The IRTG "Temporalities of Future" congratulates Dra. Liliana Weinberg who was awarded the "Premio Internacional Alfonso Reyes 2021" from the "Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México" and the "Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura" (INBAL) for her outstanding career trajectory.
- In September 2020, Ricardo Pérez Montfort received the Georg Forster Research Prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.