Prof. Dr. Arjun Appadurai

Colegio Internacional de Graduados 'Temporalidades del Futuro'
Dinámicas de Aspiración y Anticipación
Noviembre 2020 - Febrero 2021
1976 |
Ph.D. (Pensamiento social), University of Chicago |
1973 |
M.A. (Pensamiento social), University of Chicago |
1970 |
B.A. (Historia), Brandeis University |
1967 |
I.A. University of Bombay |
Experiencia laboral
2004-2008 |
Profesor de la cátedra “John Dewey” en Ciencias Sociales, The New School |
2006-2007 |
Asesor superior para Global Initiatives, The New School |
2004-2006 |
Rector y vicepresidente sénior de asuntos académicos, The New School |
2002-2004 |
Profesor de la cátedra “William K. Lanman Jr.” en Estudios Internacionales, Yale University Director de la “Initiative on Cities and Globalization,“ Yale University |
2001-2002 |
Profesor distinguido de la cátedra “Samuel N. Harper“, University of Chicago |
1992-1996 |
Director, Chicago Humanities Institute Profesor en la cátedra “Barbara E. and Richard J. Frank” en Humanidades, University of Chicago |
1987-1992 |
Profesor de antropología, University of Pennsylvania Curador en la sección asiática de la University Museum, University of Pennsylvania |
1981-1987 |
Profesor Asociado de antropología, University of Pennsylvania |
1976-1981 |
Profesor Adjunto de antropología, University of Pennsylvania |
Libros y colecciones editadas
2016 |
Guest Editor, Special on “Failure” of Social Research, Vol 83, No. 3, Fall 2016 |
2015 |
Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. |
2013 |
The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition. London: Verso |
2012 |
India’s World: The Politics of Creativity in a Globalized Society (New Delhi: Rupa) |
2011 |
Le Aspirazioni Nutrono la Democrazia. Milano: et al. Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger. North Carolina: Duke University Press. |
2001 |
Globalization (edited volume). Durham, NC: Duke University Press (Translation) Modernità in polvere. Rome: Meltemi |
1996 |
Modernity At Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. |
1991 |
Co-editor (with M. Mills and F. Korom, Eds.), Gender, Genre and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
1988 |
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Cultural Anthropology on “Place and Voice in Anthropological Theory” (Vol. 3, No. 1). |
1987 |
Guest Editor (with Carol A. Breckenridge), Special Annual Issue of The India Magazine (New Delhi) on “Public Culture.” |
1986 |
The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective (Edited Volume). New York: Cambridge University Press. |
1983 |
(Reprint). Worship and Conflict Under Colonial Rule: A South Indian Case. New Delhi: Orient Longman. |
1981 |
Worship and Conflict Under Colonial Rule: A South Indian Case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
2017 |
“Democracy Fatigue”, in Heinrich Geislelberger (ed.) The Great Regression, Suhrkamp and Polity Press. |
2015a |
"The Cinematic Soteriology of Bollywood." In Handbook of religion and the Asian city: aspiration and urbanization in the twenty-first century, ed. by Peter van der Veer, 403-14. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. |
2015b |
"Mediants, Materiality, Normativity." Public Culture 27. 2 (Spring 2015). |
2015c |
"Success and Failure in the Deliberative Economy." In Reclaiming Democracy: Judgment, Responsibility and the Right to Politics, ed. by Albena Azmanova and Mihaela Mihai. New York, NY: Routledge. |
"History and Epistemology of Anthropology." In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Interdisciplinary Directions, ed. by Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn. SAGE Publications Inc. |
"Globalization, Anthropology of." In The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, Vol 10, ed. by James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), 233-238. Oxford: Elsevier. |
2015f |
"Speculation, After the Fact." In Speculation, Now: Essays and Artwork, ed. by Vyjayanthi Rao, Prem Krishnamurthy, and Carin Kuoni. Duke University Press Books. |
2014a |
"The fork in the urban road." Hindustan Times, Oct 5, 2014. |
"Foreword." In Design as Future-Making, ed. by Susan Yelavich and Barbara Adams, 9-12. London: New York: Bloomsbury Academic. |
2014c |
“Interview.” Globalizations 11 (4): 481–90. |
2012 |
“The Spirit of Calculation”, Cambridge Anthropology, Volume 30, Number 1, Spring 2012, pp. 3-17(15). |
2011a |
The Ghost in the Financial Machine”, Public CultureVolume 23, Number 3 65: 517-539. |
“What Does the Nano Want? Design As a Tool For Future-Building”, AAP (Architecture, Art, Planning), Cornell University (Summer 2011) |
2012 |
“How Histories Make Geographies”, Transcultural Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1. University of Heidelberg, On-Line Publication. |
2011c |
“Dialogue, Risk and Conviviality” in Can There Be Life Without the Other? Antonio Pinto Ribeiro, Editor. Carcanet Press, Manchester. |
“The Right to Research.” in Globalization, Societies and Education. Volume 4 (2) July. |
2006a |
“The Thing Itself,” in Public Culture. Winter 18.1. |
2006b |
“A man behind scapes: An Interview with Arjun Appadurai.” Tehri Rantanen, Global Media and Communication. 2: 7-19. |
2006c |
“Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” in Media and Cultural Studies: Keywords, eds. Meenakshi Gigi Durham and Douglas M. Kellner. Blackwell Publishing. |
2005a |
“The Thing Itself,” in ARTIndia. Volume IX. Issue IV. |
2005b |
EIDOS Interview with Arjun Appadurai. “Glocalisation” Issue No. 1. St. Xavier’s College Mumbai. |
2005c |
“Materiality in the Future of Anthropology,” in Commodification: Things, Agency and Identities. (The Social Life of Things Revisited) eds. Wim van Binsbergen and Peter Geschiere. LIT Verlag. |
2004 |
“Minorities and the Production of Daily Peace,” in Feelings Are Always Local, V2_Publishing/NA I Publishers, Rotterdam. |
2003a |
“I&I Interview with Arjun Appadurai,” Items and Issues, 4 (4), Winter 2003/2004: 24-27. |
2003b |
“The Capacity to Aspire,” in Culture and Public Action, eds. V. Rao and M. Walton. Stanford University Press. |
2003c |
“Archive and Aspiration,” in Information is Alive, Joke Brouwer and Arjen Mulder (Editors): 14-25. Rotterdam: V2_Publishing/NAI Publishers. |
2002a |
“The Right to Participate in the Work of the Imagination” (Interview with Arjen Mulder), TransUrbanism: 33-46. Rotterdamn: V2_Publishing/NAI Publishers. |
2002b |
“Cultural Diversity: A Conceptual Platform,” UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Cultural Diversity Series #1. Paris: UNESCO. |
2002d |
“Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politics,” Environment and Urbanization 13 (2), October 2001: 23-43. |
2002e |
“Deep Democracy: Urban Government and the Horizon of Politics,” Public Culture 14 (1): 21-47. |
2001 |
“The Globalization of Archaeology and Heritage: A Discussion with Arjun Appadurai,” in Journal of Social Archaeology. 1 (1):35-49. |
2000a |
(with Katerina Stenou) “Sustainable Development and the Future of Belonging,” in World Culture Report 2000. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 111-123. |
2000b |
“Globalization and Area Studies: The Future of a False Opposition.” Wertheim Lecture 2000. Amsterdam: Centre for Asian Studies. |
2000c |
“Savoir, circulation et biographie collective,” L’Homme. 156: 29-38. |
2000d |
“Spectral Housing and Urban Cleansing: Notes on Millennial Mumbai,” in Public Culture, Special Issue on Cosmopolitanism, (Eds.: C. Breckenridge, H. Bhabha, D. Chakrabarty, S. Pollock). 12 (3): 627-651. |
2000e |
“Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination,” in Public Culture, Special Issue on Globalization, (Ed.: Arjun Appadurai). 12 (1):1-19 |
2000f |
“The Grounds of the Nation-State: Identity, Violence and Territory,” Nationalism and Internationalism in the Post-Cold War Era. K. Goldmann, U. Hannerz, and C. Westin (Eds.). London: Routledge. |
1999a |
“The Bomb, Bombay, Mumbai,” Fellow Observer (Open Society Institute, New York) II: I: 10-11. |
1999b |
“Gift Trapped,” University of Chicago Magazine December: 35-37. |
1999c |
“Historical Memory, Global Movements and Violence: Paul Gilroy and Arjun Appadurai in Conversation,” Interview by V. Bell. Theory, Culture & Society 16(2): 21-40. |
1999d |
“Public Culture,” Oxford India Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology. Veena Das (Ed.). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. |
1999e |
(Reprint, with James Holston) “Cities and Citizenship,” Cities and Citizenship. J. Holston (Ed.). Durham and London: Duke University Press. |
1999f |
“Globalization and the Research Imagination,” International Social Science Journal, 160 (June 1999). |
1998a |
“How to Live Together: An Interview with Arjun Appadurai,” Interview by W. Burszta, F. Kujawinski, and T. Tabako. 2B (To Be): A Journal of Ideas 13: 106-112. |
1998b |
(Translation). “Globale ethische Räume,” Perspektiven der Weltgesellschaft. U. Beck (Ed.). Germany: Suhrkamp. |
1998c |
“Full Attachment,” Public Culture, Winter, 10:2. |
1998d |
“Dead Certainty: Ethnic Violence in the Era of Globalization,” Public Culture, Winter, 10:2. |
1997a |
(Translation - Chinese). “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” Identity and Public Culture. S. C. K. Chan (Ed.). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. |
1997b |
(Translation). “Notas para uma geografia pós-nacional,” Novos Estudos. 49 (November). |
1997c |
“The Research Ethic and the Spirit of Internationalism,” Items, Social Science Research Council, December, 51:4 (Part I), 55-60. |
1997d |
“Fieldwork in the Era of Globalization,” Anthropology and Humanism, 22:1. |
1997e |
“The Colonial Backdrop,” Afterimage, March/April, v. 24:5, 4-7. |
1996a |
(Translation). “Fogyasztás, idÿtartam, történelem,” Replika, 21/22 május 1996: 81-98. |
1996b |
“Off-White,” A.N.Y. (Architecture New York), Winter. |
1996c |
(with James Holston) “Cities and Citizenship,” Public Culture 8: 187-204. |
1996d |
“Diversity and Disciplinarity as Cultural Artifacts,” Disciplinarity and Dissent in Cultural Studies. C. Nelson and D. Gaonkar (Eds.). New York: Routledge. |
1996e |
“Sovereignty Without Territoriality: Notes for a Postnational Geography,” The Geography of Identity. P. Yaeger (Ed.). Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 40-58. |
1995a |
(Translation). “Le patriotisme et son avenir,” Futur Antérieur 27(1): 35-54. |
1995b |
(With Carol A. Breckenridge) “Public Modernity in India.” Introductory Essay, Consuming Modernity: Public Culture in a South Asian World. C.A. Breckenridge (Ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. |
1995c |
“Playing with Modernity: The Decolonization of Indian Cricket,” Consuming Modernity: Public Culture in a South Asian World. C.A. Breckenridge (Ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. |
1995d |
“The Production of Locality,” Counterwork. R. Fardon (Ed.). London: Routledge. |
1994e |
“Contesting the Popular in Africa,” Passages: A Chronicle of the Humanities 8: 1. |
1994f |
(Translation). “Indiase Kookkunst,” In Mijn Vaders Huis II. A. Ramdas (Ed.). Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jan Mets. |
1993a |
“The Geography of Canonicity,” What is Fundamental? The Committee on Social Thought. Chicago: The University of Chicago: 3-12. |
1993b |
(Reprint) “Consumption, Duration and History,” Streams of Cultural Capital. D. Palumbo-Liu and H. U. Gumbrecht (eds.). Stanford: Stanford University Press. |
1993c |
“Consumption, Duration and History,” Stanford Literary Review 10 (1-2, Spring-Fall): 11-23. |
1993d |
(Reprint) “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” The Phantom Public Sphere. Bruce Robbins (Ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 269-295. |
1993e |
“The Heart of Whiteness,” Callaloo 16: 797-807. |
1993f |
“Patriotism and Its Futures,” Public Culture (3) 5: 411-429, Spring 1993. |
1993g |
“Number in the Colonial Imagination,” Orientalism and the Post-Colonial Predicament. C.A. Breckenridge and P. van der Veer (eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
1992a |
“Father Britto,” Polygraph 5: 248-250. |
1992b |
(Reprint). “Putting Hierarchy in its Place,” Rereading Cultural Anthropology. G. E. Marcus (Ed.). Durham and London: Duke University Press. |
1991a |
“Afterword,” Gender, Genre, and South Asian Expressive Traditions. A. Appadurai, F. J. Korom and M. A. Mills (Eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
1991b |
(With F. J. Korom and M. A. Mills) “Introduction,” Gender, Genre, and South Asian Expressive Traditions. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. |
1991c |
(With Carol A. Breckenridge) “Museums are Good to Think: Heritage on View in India,” Museums and Their Communities: The Politics of Public Culture. I. Karp, S. Levine and T. Ybarra-Frausto (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 34-55. |
1991d |
“Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology,” Interventions: Anthropologies of the Present. R.G. Fox (Ed.). Santa Fe: School of American Research, 191-210. |
1991e |
(With Carol A. Breckenridge) “Marriage, Migration and Money: Mira Nair’s Cinema of Displacement,” Visual Anthropology 4 (1, Spring): 95-102. |
1991f |
“Dietary Improvisation in an Agricultural Economy,” Diet and Domestic Life in Society. Sharman et. al. (Eds.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 207-232. |
1990a |
(with Carol A. Breckenridge) “Public Culture in Late 20 th- Century India,” Items 44 (4), December 1990: 77-80. |
1990b |
“Technology and the Reproduction of Values in Western India,” Dominating Knowledge: Development, Culture and Resistance. S.A. Marglin and F.A. Marglin (Eds.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. |
1990c |
“Topographies of the Self: Praise and Emotion in Hindu India,” Affecting Discourse: Anthropological Essays on Emotions and Social Life. C. Lutz and L. Abu-Lughod (Eds.). New York and London: Cambridge University Press: 92-112. |
1990d |
“Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2 and 3, July): 295-310 (Short Version). |
1990e |
“Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,” Public Culture (2) 2: 1-24 (Long Version). |
1989a |
“Small-Scale Techniques and Large-Scale Objectives,” Conversations Between Economists and Anthropologists. P. Bardhan (Ed.). New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 250-282. |
1989b |
“Transformations in the Culture of Agriculture,” Contemporary Indian Tradition . Carla Borden (Ed.). The Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington and London, 173-186. |
1988a |
(With Carol Breckenridge) “Why Public Culture?” Public Culture 1 (1, Fall): 5-9. |
1988b |
“Imagined Worlds: The Decolonization of Cricket,” The Olympics and Cultural Exchange. S.P. Kang, J. McAloon and R. da Matta (Eds.). Seoul: Hanyang University, Institute for Ethnographic Studies, 163-190. |
1988c |
“Comment on Francis Zimmerman, The Jungle and the Aroma of Meats,” Social Science and Medicine 27 (3): 206-207. |
1988d |
“Putting Hierarchy in its Place,” Cultural Anthropology 3 (1, February): 37-50. |
1988e |
“Place and Voice in Anthropological Theory,” Cultural Anthropology 3 (1, February): 16-20. |
1988f |
“How to Make a National Cuisine: Cookbooks in Contemporary India,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 30 (1, January): 3-24. |
1987a |
“Street Culture,” The India Magazine 8 (1, December): 2-23. |
1987b |
“The Indian Cow,” Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: The Asia Society and Scribner and Sons, Volume 1: 347. |
1987c |
“Hinduism,” Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: The Asia Society and Scribner and Sons, Volume 2: 56-59. |
1986a |
“Is Homo Hierarchicus - A Review Essay,” American Ethnologist 13 (4): 745-761. |
1986b |
“Center and Periphery in Anthropological Theory,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 28 (2): 356-361. |
1986c |
(with Wilhelm Halbfass) “History of the Study of Indian Religions,” Encyclopaedia of Religion. Mircea Eliade, Editor. Macmillan, New York. |
1986d |
“Commodities and the Politics of Value,” Introductory Essay, The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. A. Appadurai (Ed.).Cambridge University Press, 3-63. |
1985a |
“Gratitude as a Social Mode in South India,” Ethos 13 (3, Fall): 236-245. |
1985b |
(Review) “Understanding Green Revolutions: Agrarian Change and Development Planning in South Asia,” Tim P. Bayliss-Smith and Sudhir Wanmali, eds., Third World Quarterly (London). |
1985c |
(Review) “The Cult of the Goddess Pattini, by G. Obeyesekere,” Journal of Asian Studies 44 (3, May): 647-649. |
1984a |
“How Moral is South Asia’s Economy? -- A Review Essay,” Journal of Asian Studies 43 (3, May): 481-497. |
1984b |
(with Gregory Possehl) “Cow,” Man and Animals: Living, Working and Changing Together. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: 47-56. |
1984c |
“Wells in Western India: Irrigation and Cooperation in an Agricultural Society,” Expedition 26 (3): 3-14. |
1983d |
“The Puzzling Status of Brahman Temple Priests in Hindu India,” South Asian Anthropologist 4 (1, March): 43-52. |
1981a |
“Rituals and Cultural Change,” Reviews in Anthropology 8 (2, Spring): 121-138. |
1981b |
“The Past as a Scarce Resource,” Man (N.S.) 16 (2, June): 201-219. |
1981c |
“Gastro-Politics in Hindu South Asia,” American Ethnologist 8 (3, August): 494-511. |
1981d |
(Review) “Gopal Krishna, ed., Contributions to South Asian Studies 1, Delhi, Oxford University Press,” American Ethnologist 8 (1, February): 211-212. |
1980 |
“Comment on Female Lingam: Interchangeable Symbols and Paradoxical Associations of Hindu Gods and Goddesses by G. Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi,” Current Anthropology 21 (1, February): 54. |
1978 |
“Understanding Gandhi,” Childhood and Selfhood: Essays on Tradition, Religion and Modernity in the Psychology of Erik H. Erikson, P. Homans (Ed.). Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press: 113-43. |
1977 |
“Kings, Sects and Temples in South India, 1350-1700 A.D.,” Economic and Social History Review 14 (1): 47-73. |
1976 |
(with Carol A. Breckenridge) “The South Indian Temple: Authority, Honor and Redistribution,” Contributions to Indian Sociology 10 (2): 187-211. |
“Right and Left Hand Castes in South India,” Indian Economic and Social History Review 11 (2-3): 216-259. |