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Amazon of peoples and territories:Threats, Resistances & Future Imaginaries

17.09.2024 | 15:00 s.t. - 18:00

Joint Dialogue Event by the Brazilian Embassy in Germany, Heinrich Böll Foundation and Institute for Latin American Studies / Freie Universität Berlin, Prodigy 2.0

Please register for participation in the event here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/amazon-of-peoples-and-territoriesthreats-resistances-future-imaginaries-tickets-967572333897?aff=oddtdtcreator

"The Amazon" shines in globalised discourses of all sorts from romanticised place of longing or haven for biodiversity and nature conservation, as a private investment opportunity for the "bioeconomy" or as an overpowering, divine cycle of nature that would endanger the world's population if it collapsed. But do these globalised Amazonian visions correspond with the everyday lives & histories of the people who live on site and shape the Amazon future on a daily basis? Understanding perspectives for future notions from the Amazon is crucial for environmental and multi-species justice, as the main global negotiation zone is discursive: Which narrative about the "value" of the region determines the strategy for saving it?

We listen to people living in the area and to policy makers, scientists and civil society representatives, initiating an applied dialogue and live exchange to explore future visions of the Amazon(es) learning from each other how we could co-create futures together.


Participation is free.


Simultaneous interpretation Portuguese - German will be available.




14:30 –             Arrival of guests


15:00 – 16:00    An Unexpected Conversation, Fishbowl Dialogue

Methodology will be explained at the event


Moderation:      Dr. Regine Schönenberg, Head of  Rio de Janeiro Office, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Dr. Anne-Katrin Broocks, Prodigy 2.0 Research Project, LAI / FU Berlin



• Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, Hutukara Associação Yanomami, Brazil

• Zica Pires, Quilombola and activist, Brazil

• Dr. Imme Scholz, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Germany

• Survival International


16:00 –             Coffee-break


16:15 – 18:00    Applying Dialogue: Threats, Resistances and Future Imaginaries

Fishbowl Format and short videos - Methodology will be explained at the event


Moderation:      Dr. Regine Schönenberg, Head of  Rio de Janeiro Office, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Dr. Anne-Katrin Broocks, Prodigy 2.0 Research Project, LAI / FU Berlin



• Prof. Manuel Lima Filho, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

• Sokrowe and Ixysé Iny-Karajá, Iny-Karajá people representatives, Brazil

• Maria Cecilia Oliveira, Research Institut for Sustainability, RIFS, Germany

• Kathrin Henneberger, Member of Parliament Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany

• Others


18:00 -              End of event



This is a partner event to the Amazon Week 2024a series of multisectoral events on the sustainable development of the Amazon rainforest which seeks to facilitate discussions on forest conservation, climate protection, and socioeconomic development in the Amazon region.

Organized, in this second edition, by Brazilian embassies in Berlin, Brussels and Paris, along with the Brazilian mission to the European Union and other Amazonian countries embassies, the event counts on partnerships with public institutions, think tanks, NGOs, companies, consultancies, and academia.

Different partners are promoting topics of interest within the project's theme using their preferred format.

The event schedule with all the events taking place in Berlin, Brussels, Paris and online from 16th to 27th September is available at www.amazonweek.eu

Zeit & Ort

17.09.2024 | 15:00 s.t. - 18:00

Brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin / Brazilian Embassy in Berlin, Wallstraße 57, Berlin

Weitere Informationen

Anne-Katrin Broocks