Luis Kliche

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
14195 Berlin
05/2019 – 10/2024 |
Promotion, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
10/2014 – 07/2018 |
Masterstudiengang Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2015 – 02/2016 |
Graduiertenprogramm (Programa Profesional Avanzado) in Memory, Postmemory and Youth Cultures, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua |
10/2009 – 09/2013 |
Bachelor of Arts in Politikwissenschaft und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Universität Potsdam |
Work Experience
Since 11/2022 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich Politikwissenschaft, Lateinamerika Institut, Freie Universität Berlin |
05/2019 – 10/2022 |
Forscher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
Since 03/2014 |
Koordination Stipendienprogramm für Hochschulstudenten, Puente Nica e.V. |
05/2015 – 12/2017 |
Studentische Hilfskraft, Projekt: „Police Building and transnational security fields in Latin America“, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Freie Universität Berlin |
09/2015 – 01/2016 |
Forschungspraktikum, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua |
Wintersemester 2024/25
Centroamérica como arena diplomática latinoamericana
Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikaforschung / Investigación interdisciplinaria sobre América Latina III
Sommersemester 2024
Staatlichkeit in der Peripherie. Nicaragua und El Salvador von den Bürgerkriegen bis zur Gegenwart
Wintersemester 2023/24
Interdisziplinäre Lateinamerikaforschung / Investigación interdisciplinaria sobre América Latina III
Zentralamerika als Arena der lateinamerikanischen Diplomatie
Sommersemester 2023
Staatlichkeit in der Peripherie. Nicaragua und El Salvador von den Bürgerkriegen bis zur Gegenwart
Projekt: "State, memory, and public campaigns. Youth mobilization dynamics in neosandinista Nicaragua"
Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig, Freie Universität Berlin
This research examines the statecentric construction of young political subjects in 21st century “neosandinista” Nicaragua, in a state administration which has been both rhetorically anti-neoliberal, and politically and economically pragmatic and well adjusted to market logics. In recent years, the bulk of academic work from social sciences regarding youth in Latin America has focused on sociocentric or "informal" expressions of public participation that encompass cultural collectives, social movements and artistic statements which are not directly linked with state initiatives. This approach is apprehensible as it is temporally framed in a general scenario of state retreat driven by the implementation of a neoliberal paradigm since the 1990s. On the other hand, few assessments have centered on the efforts carried by states to mobilize young activists in the neoliberal era. In these cases, state and government institutions attempt to form young political participants inside a role assign to them by a hegemony erecting project. Framed in a Laclauian perspective, the thesis aims at defining the articulations of identification, inclusion and participation arising in said construction, while highlighting the tensions and entanglements that youth have in relation with state structures and different projections of current and future collective endeavors as present and past ideas of future-building clash with the reality of the contradictions between discourse and political action.
Caruso, Marcelo and Kliche, Luis. (2023). Mythos der Etappe: Der Weg zum Sozialismus, Schulpolitik und die Nicaragua-Kuba-DDR-Beziehungen (1979-1985). Zeitschrift für Pädagogik Beiheft (1), 163-181.
Kliche Navas, Luis (2022). La prosa de la contra-insurgencia: "lo político" durante la restauración neoliberal en Nicaragua, de Ileana Rodríguez. Mitologías Hoy (25), 178-181.
De Aquino, Elis and Kliche, Luis. (2021). “Nobody has the answer, but we need some map, even to go into the unknown”: A Conversation with Arjun Appadurai on Research, Speculation and Future Thinking. Critical Reviews on Latin American Research, 9(1), 18–26.
Kliche Navas, Luis (2016). "Aquí están los cachorros de Sandino". La presencia virtual de desmovilizados del Servicio Militar Patriótico en Facebook. Revista de Historia, (33-34), 131-140.
Kliche Navas, Luis (2018). Policía comunitaria y politización en Nicaragua. Las transformaciones del modelo comunitario desde el regreso del Frente Sandinista (2007-2016). Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.
Daum, Timo (2018). El capital somos nosotros. Crítica a la economía digital, übersetzt von Luis Kliche Navas. San José: Uruk Editores.