Dr. Juliana M. Streva

ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
Beyond social cohesion – Global repertoires of living together
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
14195 Berlin
Transdisziplinäre Forscherin und Dozentin an der Freien Universität Berlin, mit Schwerpunkt auf lateinamerikanischen und karibischen kritischen Epistemologien unter Einbeziehung antirassistischer, feministischer und dekolonialer Theorien und Praktiken sowie 'counter archives'.
Aktuelle Position
2021-24 Postdoctoral Fellow, Programm "Beyond social cohesion - Global repertoires of living together", Berlin University Alliance, Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI) und Institut für Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
2020-21 Junior Fellow, Hub on Conservatisms. Mecila: Maria Sibylla Merian Center Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America. Universidade de São Paulo, Universität zu Kölln, Universidad de La Plata und El Colegio de México.
2018-19 Visiting Fellow, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI).
2015 Visiting Fellow, Abteilung für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Brown University.
Akademische Ausbildung
2016-19 Promotion im Internationalen Menschenrechtsrecht. Interdisziplinäres Programm "Human Rights under Pressure", Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). Dissertation "Cartographies of Survival: Disputing Democracy, Reimagining Community". Betreuer: Prof. Helmut Aust (FUB) und Prof. Avner de-Shalit (HUJI).
2014-16 MA in Theorie des Staats- und Verfassungsrechts. Päpstliche Katholische Universität von Rio de Janeiro.
Abschlussarbeit "Objetificação Colonial dos Corpos Negros: Uma leitura descolonial e foucaultiana do Extermínio Negro no Brasil". Betreuer: Prof. Maurício Rocha.
2008-12 BA in Jura mit Spezialisierung auf Staat und Gesellschaft. Päpstliche Katholische Universität von Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Abschlussarbeit "O Tratamento Penal da Loucura". Betreuer: Prof. Bethânia Assy.
Stipendien und Auszeichnungen
2020-21 Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Postdoktorandenstipendium.
2020 Preis "Presença", Unabhängiger Film "Mulheres em Movimento". Festival de Cinema Alter do Chão, Brasilien.
2016-19 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Promotionsstipendium.
2014-16 Brasilianischer Nationalrat für wissenschaftliche und technologische Entwicklung (CNPq), Master-Stipendium.
2015 Brasilien-Initiative, Watson Institute Brown University, Gaststipendium.2014 BRICS Policy Centre, Global South Unit for Mediation Scholarship.
2013 Best Human Rights Monograph Award, Prêmio Celso Mello, PUC-Rio.
2012 Best Memorial Award on Indigenous Rights, Sekretariat für Menschenrechte der Präsidentschaft von Brasilien.
2010-12 Stiftung Carlos Chagas Filho für Forschung von Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Wissenschaftliches Initiativstipendium
2021 Veranstaltung "Critical Race Theories and Third World Approaches to International Law", im Seminar "Rassismus und Völkerrecht" für Studierende im Grundstudium. Prof. Helmut Aust, FUB.
2019 Seminar "Frauen im Streik: Theorie und Praxis" (20h), für Master- und Bachelorstudenten. Universität Witten/Herdecke.
2018 Seminar "Einführung in die Performance als Theorie und Untersuchungsmethode der Gender Studies" für Masterstudierende. Prof. Mariana Simoni, Lateinamerika-Institut, FUB.
2014-15 Seminar on International Human Rights Law (12h), PUC-Rio.
2014 Coach, Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition. Intersektionalität und Behindertenrechte. PUC-Rio, American University Washington College of Law.
RePLITO takes marginalized repertoires of living together as its starting point to rethink social cohesion from a transregional perspective. We explore how social actors in politically and conceptually neglected regions of the Global South and within Europe’s margins imagine and practice communal life and create bonds. Our central goal is to create a dynamic digital archive that gathers and conceptualizes global repertoires of living together in their interconnections and interdependencies. Our project team has a strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and teaching. In the context of the Berlin University Alliance we foster a sustained collaboration between area studies, social sciences and the humanities in Berlin and in close collaboration with our international partners, most notably Oxford University. We develop our digital knowledge archive jointly with OFF-University and organize events in cooperation with the Center for Intersectional Justice.
2018 Corpo, Raça, Poder: Extermínio Negro no Brasil. Uma leitura crítica, decolonial e foucaultiana. Rio de Janeiro: Multifoco, 2018. 240p. ISBN: 978-85-5996-859-0. Translation: Body, Race, Power: Black Extermination in Brazil. A Critical, Decolonial and Foucauldian reading.
2020 “Corp(o)ralidade Fanoniana: Legado Colonial & Insurgências Anti-Racistas”, in Julio Cesar de Souza Tavares (org.). Gramática das Corporeidades Afrodiaspóricas. Curitiba/Brazil: Appris Editora, 2020. Translation: Fanonian Corp(o)reality: Colonial Legacy & Anti-Racist Insurgencies.
2018 “Identitätspolitik postkolonial: Zur Debatte um Identitätspolitik in Lateinamerika”. In Friederike Beier et al. (org.). Materializing Feminism. Positionierungen zu Ökonomie, Staat und Identität. Münster: Unrast Verlag, 2018. pp. 141-158. ISBN: 978-3-89771-319-2. Translation: Postcolonial Identity Politics. Learning from Latin America.
2017 “A multidão no corpo e a multidão de corpos: Um embate dos conceitos de povo e multidão, e consenso e dissenso à luz dos escritos de Hobbes e Spinoza”. In Rafael Becker et al. (org.). Spinoza e nós. Volume: Spinoza, a guerra e a paz. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, 2017. pp. 248-255. ISBN (e-book): 978-85-8006-218-2. Translation: People and Multitude, Consensus and Dissensus: A Debate on Democracy in Hobbes and Spinoza.
2016 “O poder de matar do Estado em Michel Foucault: Uma investigação sobre o racismo”. In Ana Kiffer et al. (org). Reinvenções de Foucault. Rio de Janeiro: Lamparina, 2016. pp. 59-68. ISBN: 978-85-8316-044-1. Translation: State Racism and the Power to Kill. Tracing Racism in the oeuvre of Michel Foucault.
2021 “Learning from Peripheric Feminisms: Othering, Reproductive Labor and Strike Action”. Open Gender Journal. Special Issue, 2021, ISSN 2512-5192.
2017 “Auto de resistência, biopolítica e colonialidade: racismo como mecanismo de poder”. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais vol. 138, ano 25. p. 237-267. São Paulo: Ed. RT, 2017. Translation: Auto de resistência, Biopolitics and Coloniality: Racism as Mechanism of Power.
2016 “Colonialidade do ser e corporalidade: O racismo brasileiro por uma lente descolonial”. Revista Antropolítica, n. 40, Niterói/Brazil, p. 20-53, 1. Sem, 2016. Translation: Coloniality of Being and Corporeality: Brazilian Racism through Decolonial lens.
2015 “Crise da Degenerescência e Discurso em Bachelard e Foucault”. Revista Direito e Liberdade, edição 2, Volume 17, 2015. Translation: Degenerative Crisis and Discourse in Bachelard and Foucault.
2015 “Jean-Jacques Rousseau e o existencialismo: uma análise acerca do afeto, da potencialidade humana e da angústia de acordo com Rousseau, Sartre e Nietzsche”. Aurora: Revista de Arte, Mídia e Política, São Paulo, v. 8, n. 23, p. 5-22, jun.-set, 2015 <https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/aurora/article/view/23923>. Translation: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Existentialism.
Dossiê on Latin American Migrant Artists Women based in Berlin, Hypermedia Magazine. Juliana Streva: “Las mujeres no somos una masa homogénea”. Interviewed by Valeska Navea Castro. December 10, 2020. Translation: Juliana Streva: “Women are not a homogenous unity”.
Kritisch-lesen. Der permanente Widerstand. Interview von Johanna Bröse mit Juliana Streva. Erschienen in: Feministische Kampfansagen, 56/ 2020. Translation: The permanent resistance. Interview with Juliana Streva by Johanna Bröse.
Human Rights Work
(Co-Author). Amicus Curiae brief of the Case Favela Nova Brasília vs. Brazil presented to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2016.
(Co-Author). Relatório de visitas aos “abrigos especializados” para crianças e adolescentes. Rio de Janeiro: Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship, 2012. Fellowship with State Mechanism and Committee for Preventing and Combating Torture, Regional Psychology Council, Regional Social Service Council, and the Human Rights Centre of PUC-Rio. Translation: Report from the visits to the specialized shelters for children and adolescents in Rio de Janeiro city.
(Co-Author). Amicus Curiae brief of the Case Atala Riffo y Niñas vs. Chile presented to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2011