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Comunidad-Home-Heimat: New films about indigenous life in motion between Mexico, the United States and Europe

News vom 23.10.2017

Comunidad – home – Heimat”:New films about indigenous life in motion between Mexico, the United States and Europe


Comunidad – home – Heimat”. These are all terms people use to designate places where they sense they belong and have established roots. The film program on October 27, 2017, with the corresponding title, will show current documentaries and feature films by indigenous filmmakers on this subject. The filmmakers will be present at the screenings. In the course of globalization, María Dolores Arias Martínez, Armando Bautista García, Yolanda Cruz, Carlos Pérez Rojas, Nicolás Rojas Sánchez, Genoveva Pérez Rosas, and Romel Ruiz Pérez move between indigenous villages in Mexico and migrant communities in the United States and Europe. In their films they vividly portray how the Tsotsil, Chatino, Mixe/Ayuujk Ja’ay, Zapotecs, and Mixtecs have created a home in places in different countries: on the one hand migrants cultivate cultural skills in their communities of origin, on the other hand they take this knowledge along with them when relocating and use it to build bridges in a world in motion. Indigenous narrative, music, dance, painting, craftwork, photography, and cinematography thereby connect people between rural villages and cities to a common “home” and enrich universal culture – in spite of the difficult conditions of restrictive national borders. Their movies also express sorrow due to separation, pride in belonging to an extended community that transcends the border and nostalgia for hometowns in Mexico.


free entrance

When: Friday, October 27, 2017, 2pm-8pm

Where: Kino Babylon,Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Organizers: CRC Affective Societies and Institute for Latin American Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin.

Contact: Ingrid Kummels, kummels@zedat.fu-berlin.de; Thomas John, Thomas.John@fu-berlin.de

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Forschungszentrum Brasilien
Studien der Inklusion, Intersektionalität und sozialer Gleichheit