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Sur I South

Sur I South

News vom 03.06.2016

Klengel, Susanne; Ortiz Wallner, Alexandra (Hrsg.): Sur/South: Poetics and Politics of Thinking Latin America-India. Madrid: Vervuert, 2016. 163. 314 p.,  (Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana ) ISBN: 9788484899518

Historia y crítica de la literatura / Literatura en español / Historia de la cultura / Siglo XX / India / América Latina

An awareness of the cultural entanglements in the Global South has become an evident as well as urgent factor in the global constitution of knowledge and the knowledges of globalization. This book contributes to the growing field of research on the relations between Latin America and Asia. From multiple perspectives and disciplinary backgrounds, it addresses the cultural and intellectual entanglements between Latin America and India in the 20th century.



von Luis Pulido Ritter in La Estrella de Panamá

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