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"When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence”

21.05.2019 | 16:00 - 18:00

Buchpräsentation von Prof. Ilene Grabel (University of Denver)

Ilene Grabel is Professor of International Finance and co-director of the graduate program in Global Finance, Trade, and Economic Integration at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver (USA). She is presently serving as a standing member of the Intergovernmental Expert Group on Financing for Development at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  Grabel has worked as a consultant to the International Poverty Centre for Inclusive Growth of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNCTAD/G-24, United Nations University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, and UNDP’s Human Development Report Office. Grabel has also been a consultant to Action Aid, to the coalition “New Rules for Global Finance,” was an Expert Advisor to the Third World Network project on capital controls and free trade agreements; is a member of the Task Force on Regulating Global Capital Flows for Long-Run Development (of the Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-range Future, Boston University), has been a member since 2013 of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of the European Parliament, and since 1987 has been a staff economist with the Center for Popular Economics. She served as a co-editor of the Review of International Political Economy from 2013-2017. Grabel has published widely on financial policy and crises, developmental financial architectures, international financial institutions, and global financial governance. Her research has been published in the Cambridge Journal of Economics, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, Review of Social Economy, Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Feminist Economics, Development and Change, Current History, Review of International Political Economy, Economía Informa, International Review of Applied Economics, International Journal of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, Eastern Economics Journal, and the Journal of Economic Issues. Grabel’s 2004 book (Zed Books, with Ha-Joon Chang), Reclaiming Development, was reissued in 2014, and has been translated into Korean, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, Tamil, Malayalam and Bahasa/Indonesian. Grabel’s latest book, When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence, was published by MIT Press (https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/when-things-dont-fall-apart).

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung "Kolloquium zur Ökonomie Lateinamerikas"

When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence by Ilene Grabel  (The MIT Press, 2017).  Winner of the 2018 British International Studies Association International Political Economy Group Book Prize and the 2019 International Studies Association International Political Economy Section Best Book Award.

Zeit & Ort

21.05.2019 | 16:00 - 18:00

ZI Lateinamerika-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin, 1. OG, Raum 116

Weitere Informationen

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz

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