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The International Monetary System and Internationalization of Emerging Market Currencies

16.02.2018 | 08:30 - 18:00

Objectives of the Workshop

The global monetary system is under substantial change, given the Euro crisis and ongoing doubts about the role of the US dollar as leading currency. While these are frequently discussed topics in the field of international money and finance, much less attention is given to the changing role of emerging market currencies in this setting. This regards not only the rising role of the Chinese Renminbi, but especially other emerging market countries. For an analysis of these, we also have to take into account their role within the regional context. When looking at the Brazilian Real, for instance, we can see that its use has not increased at the global level. Yet, there are some regional initiatives of monetary and financial cooperation to be found, where Brazil plays a guiding role, and which are taken little into account.

This workshop joins researchers specialized on different aspects of these topics, with the aim to take stock of the current situation, based on diverse regional knowledge and a diversity of theoretical and empirical approaches. It also includes a number of PhD students from the FU and other institutions, working on the topic.

Organizers: Prof. Bruno de Conti (University of Campinas, Brazil, Visiting Professor Freie Universität Berlin) &  Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz (Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika-Institut, LAI)

Participants are requested to register until February 9th, 2018: laibrasil@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Program [pdf]

The workshop is supported by DAAD/BMBF (German Academic Exchange Service/Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

Zeit & Ort

16.02.2018 | 08:30 - 18:00

ZI Lateinamerika-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin, Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin, Raum 201

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