Scholarship for students' research on microfinance
News vom 11.02.2013
Scholarships for students’ research on microfinance – 1st Call 2013
We invite students planning or having completed a thesis on a microfinance-related topic as well as students planning or completing an internship with combined field research to participate in the “University Meets Microfinance” (UMM) – Scholarships & Awards Programme:
UMM Scholarships Programme for field research & internships with combined field research:
Scholarships of up to 1500 EUR are granted to students who conduct on-the-field research on microfinance-related topics in development countries. Students enrolled at universities in the European Union and who are researching a microfinance-related topic in the frame of their thesis or conducting an internship in combination with field research are eligible. The scholarships are granted to cover travel and / or accommodation expenses during the field research. The Scholarships Programme is open for Bachelor, Master and PhD students. However, scholarships for PhDs students are available for research only - internships are not covered.
UMM Awards Programme for outstanding Master thesis & Phd articles:
Master students who have completed their final thesis and PhD students who have written an article on a microfinance-related topic at universities in the European Union can apply for the UMM Awards. The award will be granted to students who conducted outstanding research in the field of microfinance. The winning final Master theses and PhD article will be published.
Application deadlines for UMM Scholarships & Awards - Programme 2013:
15 February 2013 1st Call for Scholarships Programme (Bachelor, Master)
1 April 2013 2nd Call for Scholarships Programme (Bachelor, Master)
15 June 2013 3rd Call for Scholarships Programme (Bachelor, Master)
20 September 2013 Call for Awards Programme (Master theses)
20 September 2013 Call for Awards Programme (PhD articles)
15 November 2013 4thCall for Scholarships Programme (PhD) (Scholarships only available for field research)
Application forms and eligibility criteria for the UMM Scholarships & Awards Programme are available at
Please send your application to
University Meets Microfinance (UMM) is a European initiative which fosters cooperation between university students in Europe and microfinance practitioners to contribute to microfinance education, microfinance research, information capitalization, professional exchange & dissemination of information. All UMM activities are carried out under the umbrella of the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) in the frame of the e-MFP Action Group “UMM”.
UMM has been initiated in 2009 by PlaNet Finance and Freie Universität Berlin with the support of the European Union, the PlaNet Finance Foundation and other partners. Since 2012, UMM is co-financed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and receives further support from the European Union from 2013-2015, the Freie Universität Berlin and Capgemini Italy. As of today, more than 3.100 students, academics and practitioners have benefitted from UMM activities.
Contact UMM:
PlaNet Finance Deutschland e.V., Axel-Springer Str. 54 B, 10117 Berlin
Phone / Fax +49 30 47 989 818