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José Carlos Orihuela receives Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Source: José Carlos Orihuela

Source: José Carlos Orihuela

News vom 04.04.2024

José Carlos Orihuela is a 2024-2026 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grantee at FUB’s Latin American Institute. He has been awarded a Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to conduct research on the comparative political economy of energy transition in Andean countries.

As a full professor of Economics at PUCP in Lima, Peru, José Carlos studies how institutions evolve and matter for economic development and resource governance in Latin America. His research has appeared in the Journal of Institutional Economics, Studies in Comparative International Development, World Development, and New Political Economy, among other outlets. He co-edited Resource Booms and Institutional Pathways: The Case of the Extractive Industry in Peru (Palgrave 2017) and co-authored The Developmental Challenges of Mining and Oil: Lessons from Africa and Latin America (Palgrave 2012).

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