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Visiting researcher from El Salvador

News vom 10.12.2024

The political science division of the LAI welcomes Dr. Ricardo Córdova as a visiting researcher. Dr. Córdova holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the Executive Director of Fundación Dr. Guillermo Manuel Ungo in El Salvador. He has received a Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a three-month research stay at the Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, from November 2024 to January 2025. His recent areas of teaching and research are: Peace Processes in Central America; Electoral behavior in Latin America; Public Opinion and Political Culture in Latin America; Public Policies; Elections and Party systems in Central America; Decentralization and Local Government in Central America. He will be working on his research project with the title The Latin American electoral cycle 2021-2024: A balance of democracy fatigue. Using aggregate data on electoral results, this project will analyze seven classic indicators regarding electoral behavior. One key aspect focuses on electoral participation rate, and the level of competitiveness in the outcome of electoral processes.

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