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Research Topics and Selected Publications

EQUAFIN Doctoral Program: Finance and inequality in times of polycrisis

The Equafin doctoral program focuses on researching the interaction between the global financial system and socio-economic inequality, particularly in the context of current crises and the need for a transition to a more equitable and environmentally sustainable global economy. The program, conducted as a cooperative effort between FU Berlin and HTW Berlin, aims to address the lack of systematic research on the effects of unequal access to financing, explore adjustment strategies, and improve the design of the financial system to support socio-economic transformation. The research is methodologically diverse, interdisciplinary, and divided into four thematic areas.

trAndeS "Trans-Andean Network of Sustainability"

trAndeS busca crear y difundir conocimientos científicos que puedan contribuir con el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas en toda la región andina.

Immigration Enforcement across the World: Drivers and Consequences of Cross-Country Variation in Deportation Risks

The goal of this research is to assemble the first country-by-country data base on deportations from administrative sources in host countries in order to unpack aggregate patterns and mechanisms related to the political economy of deportation regimes in host countries as well as their consequences in migrants’ countries of origin. Regarding the political economy of deportation regimes in host countries, this research asks about determinants of selection into deportations, as well as changing dynamics over time. In migrants’ countries of origin, it studies effects of the inflow of deportees on selection patterns as reflected in the sociodemographic profile and skills of returnees as well as its external effects on social and political conflict.

Global Financial Safety Net Tracker

The GFSN Tracker provides real-time insights into the lending capacity and current use of the GFSN. Offering a user-friendly and interactive interface, it allows users to explore specific countries, regions, liquidity arrangements, and crisis financing details.

Temporalities of Future

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) ‘Temporalities of Future’, aims to offer a new perspective on the study of temporalities of the future in the social and cultural sciences. In close collaboration with colleagues from different disciplines, we seek to contribute to the growing field of research on temporalities of the future by realigning investigations towards a better understanding of global entanglements and the meaning of cultural heterogeneity, with Latin America serving as the primary example of both aspects.

Graduate School East Asian Studies

The Graduate School of East Asian Studies concentrates on comprehensive exploration of the significant political, social, economic, and cultural transformations in East Asia, particularly focusing on institutions. Doctoral students gain expertise in East Asia, with a strong foundation in methodological knowledge across disciplines. The graduate school encompasses various subject areas, including East Asian Studies (Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, Sinology), Political Science, Social Sciences, History, Law and Economics, Ethnology, and Cultural and Theater Studies.

Alumni Programm

To expand the activities of the LAI.AlumniClub, the LAI established the LAI Alumni Network, sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA). Within this framework, nerworking meetings are organized on a regular basis.

Equafin - HBS_SF_PK-Kennung_058
Deportation Risks and Consequences
GFSN in two parts
Temporalities of Future