current postdocs
Luis Kliche
former postdocs
Dr. Constantin Groll
"Fiscal and Tax policy, Federalism & Decentralization, Subnational Politics, Structural Heterogeneity, Development, and Inequality in Latin America"
Dr. Markus Hochmüller
Associated Postdoc
Making a Secure Future: Prevention, Punishment, and the Temporalities of Security in Latin America
Dr. Marie Laure Mallet
"The Role of Social Programs in the Socioeconomic Integration of Immigrants. A Comparative Study of Latino Immigrants in France, Spain, and the United States."
Dr. Markus Rauchecker
Politische Ordnungsprozesse der Biodiversität in Kolumbien – Die Fälle Bogotá und Barranquilla
Dr. Felipe Rubio Isla
"Chinesisch-peruanische Gemeinschaften in Lima, Peru"
Dr. Kirsten Selbmann-Lobbedey
“Vom Heilsbringer zum Teufelswerk. Wie lässt sich Politikwandel zur Nachhaltigkeit gestalten? Das Beispiel der Biokraftstoffe in Deutschland und Brasilien.“
Dr. Christiane Ströh de Martínez
"A Qualitative Analysis of Economic Poverty Dynamics and Related Mitigation Strategies. The Complex Case of Contemporary Brazil"
Dr. Marcela Suárez Estrada
"Die neuen digitalen Technologien und politische Partizipation in Lateinamerika"
Dr. Roque Urbieta Hernández
"Way out of Violence. Globalization, politics of international solidarity and human rights culture (Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia)"
Dr. Edgar Zavala Pelayo
"Strong atheisms, secular pastorships or civic catechisms? Religious and political thought in Mexico’s young political elites"