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Study Affairs


Dr. Karina Kriegesmann

Master-Examination Board

Chairman: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mariana Simoni, Doutora em Letras

Deputies: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Stefan Rinke

Secretariat: Institutssekretariat

Students who would like to register their MA thesis in the examination office for one of the six dates in the year, please contact the chairperson by e-mail a few days before the registration date in order to obtain approval from the examination board (signature on the topic sheet).

Contact for initial, general questions about the exam board: Dr. Karina Kriegesmann (Study guidance)

University Teachers Group

Mariana Simoni, Stellv. Susanne Klengel
Stefan Rinke, Stellv. Sérgio Costa
Barbara Fritz
Stephanie Schütze

Group of research assistants

Karina Kriegesmann, Stellv. Vera Lucía Wurst

Other staff group

Silvera, Stellv. Claudia Daheim

Group of students

N.N., N.N

Zwischen Räumen
Forschungszentrum Brasilien