Arianna Pani Durán

International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future"
PhD Student
Project: "The Search for Missing Persons in Guerrero, Mexico, in the 21st Century: The Search for Justice and Social Grief"
Since 05/2024 |
PhD Student, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future |
Since 04/2023 |
PhD Candidate, in Sociology, El Colegio de México |
08/2017 – 08/2019 |
Master in Middle Eastern Studies, El Colegio de México |
05/2018 – 08/2018 |
Exchange Student, Institute of Women´s Studies, Birzeit University, Palestine |
08/2010 – 01/2015 |
Bachelor in International Relations, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México |
Work Experience
Since 05/2024 |
Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
03/2023 – 12/2023 |
Promoter of the project “Dignification of victims of disappearance in three municipalities of Guerrero through the reconstruction of the collective memory”, 2022-2023, of the Center for the Rights of Victims of Violence Minerva Bello |
01/2020 – 08/2021 |
Research Assistant, Dra. Karine Tinat, Center for Sociological Studies, El Colegio de México |
01/2015 – 08/2015 |
Assistant professor, Classic Theories of International Relations, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México |
Project: "The Disappearance in Contemporary Guerrero, México: Gender, Justice, and Mourning"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nitzan Shoshan (El Colegio de México)
Based on the field research I began in 2022 and carried out throughout 2023 in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, the central question that informs this research is how a group of diverse and complex women who have one or more disappeared family members and are involved in Collectives, groups and activities to search for disappeared people give meaning to and respond to—read, interpret, deal with and process—the disappearance of their relatives.
In this regard, the objective of this investigation, in a context in which the Mexican State fails to administer justice in matters of disappearances and in the diversity of crimes involved in the phenomenon of the disappearance of people (Lomnitz 2022), is to analyze the productivity of disappearances, what they produce, that is, the social effects that the disappearance of people has on the lives of their families, particularly on the lives of women, mothers, wives, daughters and grandmothers who are involved in the search for missing persons in Mexico.
Specifically, in this research I analyze how the disappearance of people causes the women who search for them to develop imaginaries, expectations and conditions for the future, participating in four major social processes intrinsically connected and identified in the fieldwork: 1) in the production of new social relationships: with the disappeared person, other relatives, the community, other women who search for their relatives in search groups, activists and with different representatives of the Mexican State; 2) in the elaboration of new subjective and collective identities through processes of articulation of an “I” and a “we”, “Madres buscadoras”, “victims”, “activists”, “citizens” and “human rights defenders” ; 3) in the development of innovative and sometimes conflicting notions of limits to violence and justice in the face of the disappearance of people and; 4) in the production of the idea of death and social mourning.
Pani, Arianna. 2019. Colonialismo, nación y género: la mujer palestina como campo de batalla. Tesis maestría, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África. México: El Colegio de México.