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PhD Fellows IRTG Mexico

Alicia Frota de Souza Antonioli

Gender Studies

Project: "'They want to return us home with our mouths shut': experiences and strategies of women journalists in the face of digital violence in Mexico"


Héctor Andrés Echevarría Cázares


Project: "In Praise of Doubt. For an intellectual history of scepticism Los Contemporáneos' Mexico"

foto hector

Helena Fabré Nadal


Project: "From waiting to search: dynamics of aspiration and anticipation of the women of 'Justicia y Esperanza' collective after the forced disappearance of 22 migrants from San Luis de la Paz (Guanajuato, Mexico)"

Foto Helena Fabré

Arianna Pani Durán


Project: "The Search for Missing Persons in Guerrero, Mexico, in the 21st Century: The Search for Justice and Social Grief"

Foto Arianna Pani

Alonso Pi Cholula


Project: "Social mobility projections in elite MBA programs in Mexico"

Foto Alonso Pi

Betsabé Piña Morales


Project: "Agreements and disagreements in heritage conservation and protection practices in the Mixtec territory. The case of the Mixteca Alta Global Geopark, UNESCO"

Foto Betsabé Piña

Francisco Sebastián Ramírez Crespo


Project: "Ethnography of Urban Planning in México City"

Foto Francisco Ramirez

Edgar Joaquín Ruiz Garza

Latin American Studies

Project: "Roaming Sound: Sonic Chronotopies and Aurality in the Contemporary Art of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America"

Foto Edgar Ruiz

Catalina Guadalupe Saiz Juárez

Gender Studies

Project: "Feminism Periphery: Analysis of the intersection between gender, territory, and politics"

Fernando Vargas Olvera


Project: "The construction of communal governments in Mexico City: originarious women, indigenous rights and judicialization of politics"

Foto Fernando Vargas
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia e Technologia
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