Helena Fabré Nadal

International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future"
PhD Student
Project: "From waiting to search: dynamics of aspiration and anticipation of the women of 'Justicia y Esperanza' collective after the forced disappearance of 22 migrants from San Luis de la Paz (Guanajuato, Mexico)"
Since 04/2024 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’, Berlin |
Since 09/2021 |
PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), México |
09/2020-12/2020 |
Diploma in “Care for victims of violence and disasters”, Universidad Iberoamericana, México |
08/2018-08/2020 |
Master of Political Sociology, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, México |
08/2016-06/2017 |
International Academic Mobility in the Latin American Studies degree, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
09/2013-02/2018 |
Bachelor’s in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universidad de Barcelona |
Work Experience
Since 04/2024 |
Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
02/2021 - 06/2021 |
Researcher, Project “Girona ciudad libre de violencias sexuales”, La Nut association and Instituto Catalán de las Mujeres de Girona (ICD) of the Generalidad de Catalunya |
09/2020 - 12/2020 |
Researcher assistant in an independent investigation about serious violations of human rights in Mexico, responsible researcher Dr. Sonja Perkič |
06/2019 - 08/2019 |
Research Stay in Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas of the Universidad de San Martín (CeDInCI–UNSAM), Argentina |
01/2017 - 06/2017 |
Coordinator of Academic Activities in an optional course, Latin American Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
01/2017 - 12/2017 |
Researcher, project: "Viaje al barrio de Icaria: el patrimonio vivido de un pasado industrial archivado", responsible researcher Dr. Manuel Delgado Ruiz, Universidad de Barcelona |
01/2016 - 12/2016 |
Researcher, project: "Las hogueras de Sant Joan y la cultura infantil de calle en Barcelona", responsible researcher Dr. Manuel Delgado Ruiz, Universidad de Barcelona |
Project: "From waiting to search: dynamics of aspiration and anticipation of the women of 'Justicia y Esperanza' collective after the forced disappearance of 22 migrants from San Luis de la Paz (Guanajuato, Mexico)"
Supervisors: Dra. Rachel Sieder, (CIESAS); Dra. Erika Liliana López López, (CEIICH–UNAM)
The primary goal of this doctoral project is to examine how the women of the "Justicia y Esperanza" collective in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, Mexico, navigate and shape their lives amid ongoing searches for their missing relatives and the pursuit of justice. Specifically, it delves into the forced disappearance of 22 migrants who, in 2011, departed their rural communities in San Luis de la Paz for the United States, seeking better opportunities. The formation of the "Justicia y Esperanza" collective by women in the aftermath of this tragedy represents a focal point of analysis, highlighting their daily practices of aspiration and anticipation. These practices are not merely responses to loss; they are active engagements with life in a reality framed by migration, structural violence, and the shadow of forced disappearances. Moreover, through these engagements, the women construct a vision of the future that is anchored in the hope for justice, illustrating the profound interconnection between their present actions and future aspirations.
The context of this research is characterized by the intersection and interaction of different temporalities and modes of violence, all intricately interwoven. We identify various forms of violence: structural and slow violence associated with the water crisis in communities, violence linked to organized crime in the region and along the northern border, as well as extreme violence related to extortion, kidnappings, and the disappearance of migrants. Against a backdrop of violence, uncertainty, and waiting in communities with a long history of migration to the United States, this study aims to explore the multiple temporalities in conflict and intertwined in contexts marred by violence in Latin America, projecting into the future. Moreover, this project foregrounds the hopes, aspirations, and anticipations of marginalized actors subjected to these violences. From rural, migrant, and peripheral areas, they emerge as key figures in the search efforts and the pursuit of human rights within the country.
Contijoch, Marta y Fabré, Helena (eds) (2017): La ciutat de les fogueres: Els focs de Sant Joan i la cultura popular infantil de carrer a Barcelona, Barcelona: Pol·len
Fabré, Helena (2019). “Memorias de mujeres de la Vila de Gràcia. Historias de infancia y de barrio entre el inicio de la guerra civil y el franquismo tardío”, en: G. Navas y M. Makhlouf (coords.), Género y producción del espacio. De la exclusión a la reivindicación del derecho a la ciudad, Barcelona: Pol·len
Fabré, Helena (2023): “12 años de esperanza entre arena y nopales”, en A dónde van los desaparecidos
Fabré, Helena (2023): “Cada día es 8 de marzo: trabajo invisibilizado tras la desaparición forzada”, en Revista Común, ISSN: 2683-3042
Delgado, Manuel; Contijoch, Marta y Fabré, Helena (2021): “Las hogueras de la noche de Sant Joan y la desactivación de la cultura infantil de calle en Barcelona", Disparidades. Revista de Antropología, vol. 76, no. 22