Fernando Vargas Olvera

International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future"
PhD Student
Project: "The construction of communal governments in Mexico City: originarious women, indigenous rights and judicialization of politics"
Since 05/2024 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
05/2023-11/2023 |
Certificate (Diplomado) in Anthropology of Law and Expert Knowledge, National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) |
05/2022-06/2022 |
Certificate in course named “El Papel de las alcaldías en la participación ciudadana en la Ciudad de México”, Electoral Institute of México City. |
Since 09/2021 |
PhD in Anthropology (2021-2025), Research Center and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology- Mexico City (CIESAS-CDMX). |
09/2019-08/2021 |
Master in Social Anthropology, Research Center and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology- Mexico City (CIESAS-CDMX). |
Work Experience
Since 05/2024 |
Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’ |
Since 05/2023 |
Researcher at Kaleicoscope Project, border science, named: “Political innovations in indigenous communities in the exercise of self-government, for the intercultural transformation of the Mexican State, CONACYT. https://caleidoscopiomexico.com/ |
10/2023-10/2024 |
Professor in the subject named: “Indigenous Rights: History, legislation and jurisprudence”, Rosario Castellanos University of Mexico City. |
09/2023-01/2024 |
Professor in the subject named: “Interculturality and Indigenous Rights, National Autonomous University of Mexico. |
Since 11/2021 |
Coordinator of Workgroup “Indigenous people and Justice”, Latinoamerican Forum of Anthropology of Law (FLAD). http://www.flad-la.org/ |
09/2021-10/2021 |
Researcher in project named “Sociocultural knowledge on people of Hidalgo and Queretaro States: fase 1.”, Social Log, consultants. |
03/2019-09/2019 |
Researcher in the government program “Jovenes Construyendo un futuro”, CCiudadano program, Research Center and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology- Mexico City (CIESAS-CDMX). |
10/2017-12/2017 |
Anthropological expert in judicial electoral process of San Andrés Totoltepec, Tlalpan in Mexico City, National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH). |
03/2017-08/2017 |
Anthropological expert in judicial electoral process of 4 villages of Tlahuac municipality in Mexico City, National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH). |
Project: "The construction of communal governments in Mexico City: originarious women, indigenous rights and judicialization of politics"
Supervisor: Dra. María Teresa Sierra Camacho (CIESAS-CDMX)
The PhD Project that I’m developing, is related to a political an academic form of research with the early mobilization for self-government of the indigenous peoples (pueblos originarios) in Mexico City. I’m researching the government councils, made by two indigenous/originarious peoples of Mexico City: The Communitary Government Council of San Andres Totoltepec, Tlalpan (Concejo de Gobierno Comunitario de San Andrés Totoltepec, Tlalpan) and The Autonomous Council Government of San Luis Tlaxialtemalco, Xochimilco (Concejo Autónomo de Gobierno de San Luis Tlaxialtemalco, Xochimilco).
My research points to three dimensions. One dimension is that both councils represent emergent forms of self-government, where indigenous/originarious women have fought to govern and to maintain these government councils and the communitarian organization that support these councils. The second dimension is that these councils have juridify their self-rights (In the shape of transforming the order of the local authorities or to make a written indigenous law). The goals are regulating their own forms of government, their indigenous territories and establish new relationships between the originarious peoples and the State government of Mexico City. Finally, these government councils have fought in the courts for their recognition of State government, and for their self-control and self-determination of their communal and ancestral territories.
In these three matters, I consider that government councils are design to be a new government level, in the State division of powers in Mexico City. And more important, the government councils are strong examples; new bets and future strategies for self-control, autonomy, and self-determination to all the indigenous/originarious peoples of Mexico City, whose control of their ancestral territories is always disputed with the state government and political parties.
Chapters (selection)
Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2023), “El proceso constitucional de la Ciudad de México y las impugnaciones electorales de los pueblos originarios: sus efectos recursivos. En M.A.Rodríguez Vázquez; Z. Flores Fernandez, B. F.Chávez Bermudez, Derechos humanos, democracia y justicia constitucional: reflexiones sobre la constitución en la sociedad actual. Tirant Lo Blanch, UJED, México, pp. 601-623.
Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2021), “Judicialización del Anáhuac. La identidad como emancipación electoral en los pueblos originarios de la Ciudad de México.”, E. Álvarez Monsivaís, et. al., XXII Certamen de Ensayo Político, Comisión Estatal Electoral de Nuevo León, Mexico: 81-110.
Topete Lara, Hilario y Vargas Olvera Fernando, (2019), “Pluralismo e interlocución jurídica en la elaboración de peritajes antropológicos.”, en X. Ballesteros Pérez, Acceso a la justicia penal: el caso de las poblaciones indígenas y migrantes. USAID, INSYDE, México: 35-49.
Articles (selection)
Olivares Díaz, Martha A., Vargas Olvera, Fernando, Huerta Noguera, Sofía, (2023),“Autoadscripción en los pueblos originarios de la Ciudad de México frente al Sistema de Registro.“, Alegatos, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, 115: 231-254.
Olivares Díaz, Martha A., Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2023), “El pueblo de Xoco y la Ciudad mercancia. Reflexiones sobre el despojo y las violencias urbanas“, Heterotopías, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México 6, 6: 64-71
Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2021), “Adjudicatarios y Cooperativistas. Transformaciones económico-sociales y conflictos por la propiedad de la Fábrica de Hilados y Tejidos San José, municipio de San Agustín Etla, Oaxaca, México”. Revista Kula. Antropología y Ciencias Sociales 24: 77-90.
Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2021), “La judicialización como época. Pueblos originarios, impugnaciones electorales y la constitución de la Ciudad de México” en Ichan Tecolotl. Resultados etnográficos de investigación sobre activismo, género y migración, CONACYT, CIESAS 361.
Vargas Olvera, Fernando, (2021), “El Panteón Político. Cisma y fragmentación de un proyecto candidateable.” En Ichan Tecolotl, CONACYT, CIESAS 350.