Belén Díaz

International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future in Latin America'
PhD Candidate
Project: "The 'Cool' Right: Neoliberal Creative Destruction in Brazil"
14195 Berlin
Since 05/2019 |
PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’, Berlin |
Since 10/2018 |
PhD Candidate in Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2014 – 09/2017 |
Master in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin |
10/2011 – 09/2014 |
Bachelor in Sociology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Work Experience
Since 05/2019 |
Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’, Berlin |
10/2018 – 04/2019 |
Research Associate and Lecturer, Institute for Latin American Studies, Department of Sociology - Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa, Freie Universität Berlin |
Since 03/2017 |
Member of the Editorial Board, Social Science Journal "Theorein", Catholic University Ecuador |
02/2015 – 01/2017 |
Student Representative, Council of the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin |
09/2015 – 11/2015 |
Internship, Department for Latin America and the Caribbean, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin |
03/2014 – 04/2014 |
Internship, Department for Interculturality, Ministry of Political Administration, Quito |
Project: "The 'Cool' Right: Neoliberal Creative Destruction in Brazil"
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa, Freie Universität Berlin
This research addresses the aggiornamento of the right wing in Latin America, focusing on how actors of this political tendency engage in contemporary struggles for hegemony through innovative discourses and mobilization mechanisms. I am particularly interested in actors who are born outside traditional partisan spaces and shift between heterogeneous fields, thus generating political logics and practices that are to some extent sui generis. Specifically, I explore changes in the forms and processes of representation, mobilization and construction of right-wing political subjects. Therefore, I delve into the successful case of the Movimento Brasil Livre (Free Brazil Movement), an organization founded by young activists in 2014 that led the protests in favor of the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff. Drawing on in-depth interviews and participant observation, I analyze how rejuvenated right-wing political cultures and multi-sited political grammars have been forged at the crossroads between social media and the streets. Hence, this research contributes to filling a gap in the literature on political change in Latin America, which at the beginning of the century dealt mainly with the "pink tide", thereby neglecting the strategies of the right wing. All in all, the case study of the MBL serves as a pivotal exponent for nourishing the debate on the transnational advance of right-wing actors in the region and the world from an interdisciplinary perspective mainly based on political sociology.
Baioni do Nascimento, Rafael; Díaz, Belén, & Maria Teixeira Amorim, Mônica (2022). Adoecimento docente, avanço das direitas e necropolítica no Brasil: Reflexões para a formação de professores. Formação Docente – Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa Sobre Formação de Professores, 14(31), 31–44.
Díaz, Belén (2020): La derecha latinoamericana contraataca: Más allá de los partidos políticos. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, (126), 268-271. Retrieved from
Díaz, Belén (2019): “Sí podemos vivir mejor”. Estrategias de la nueva derecha ecuatoriana para interpelar a las clases medias. trAndeS Working Paper Series, 9. Berlin: Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin. Retrieved from
MA Thesis
Díaz, Belén (2017): Luchas por la hegemonía en el siglo XXI. La renovación de las derechas en tiempos de progresismo en América Latina. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.