Alumni Berlin/Potsdam 2019-2022
Elis de Aquino
Project: "The Road to Success: Mechanisms of Social Mobility and Individual Strategies of the Poor in Brazil"
Hans Fabian Bennewitz
Project: "West German Police Assistance for Guatemala 1986-1990: Knowledge Transfer and Transnational Security Networks"
Alexys Monserrat Yong Solís
Project: "Young People with Migration Backgrounds – Aspirations and the Acquisition of Different Forms of Capital"
Elizabeth Gallón Droste
Project: "Vocear ríos por otros posibles futuros: Navegar el proceso del Cuerpo Colegiado de Guardianes del Atrato 2019–2022"
Andrea Garcés Farfán
General and Comparative Literature
Project: "Arid Futures: (Re)visions of the Desert in Contemporary Latin American Literature"
Georg M. Holfelder
Political Science
Project: " Anti-Press Violence and the Democratic State - Institutionalising the Protection of Journalists in Mexico"
Luis Kliche
Political Science
Project: "State, memory, and public campaigns. Youth mobilization dynamics in neosandinista Nicaragua"
Lorena López Jáuregui
Project: "America and the People with History: The International Congress of Americanists and the effects of academic networking on science, museums, and temporalities, 1885-1915"
Isabel Richter
Literature and Culture
Project: "Exilierte Kunst – Religiösität und Avantgarde im Werk des rumänisch-brasilianischen Künstlers Emeric Marcier"
Alrik Schubotz
Political Science
Project: "Contesting Identity Politics in Brazil: Transnational Culture Wars and Political Religion"