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En México: Interinstitutional Formative Seminar con Teresa Carbó "Corpus construction processes in Discourse Analisis and beyond

06.12.2010 | 16:00 - 20:00

Lecturer: Teresa Carbó

CIESAS DF (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social)
Time: 16.00-18.00 PM

Place: CIESAS, Juárez 87, Tlalpan Centro, Room: Sala Juárez, allí mismo (pequeño edificio anexo en el jardín, 1er piso)

Title: Corpus construction processes in Discourse Analysis and beyond

The theory-laden condition as well as the methodological implications of the process of turning a mass of empirical evidence into a proper object of research is rarely addressed as such, notwithstanding its cruciality in research endeavours of various sorts. This is the topic of the session, which will be aproached mainly from a discourse analysis point of view, though the basic lines of reflection expand easily unto other disciplinary concerns. A monographic journal issue which contains 8 (eight) articles that make those corpus-construction operations their focus will allow the students to choose one of those texts as their reading assignment, together with the introduction to the issue, which will be read by all of them. An article by the lecturer, which appeared independently, is also included in the menu.

Assigned readings

  • Carbó, Teresa, “La elocuencia de los cuerpos. Introducción”, pp. 13-30, ELA (Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada) 46, CELE, UNAM, México, 2007, Dossier on: Corpora, conceptos y métodos en análisis de discurso.
  • ----------, Tocar el lenguaje con la mano. Reflexiones de método, Revista ALED (Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso), 1(1), Caracas, 2001, pp. 43-67.

Students’ Presentations (18.00-20.00 PM)

  • Kirschlager, Steven, “Música en movimiento: los corridistas en México”
  • Toledo González, Mónica, “Convenios globales y estrategias sociopolíticas de las trabajadoras del hogar en México. Del aislamiento y la invisibilidad a la vida pública”
  • Rodríguez, Luisa Fernanda, “Prácticas de ciudadanía en un contexto de exclusión social. Dos organizaciones sociales en Iztapalapa, Ciudad de México”

Fecha y Lugar

06.12.2010 | 16:00 - 20:00

CIESAS, Juárez 87, Tlalpan Centro, Sala Juárez, allí mismo (pequeño edificio anexo en el jardín, 1er piso)

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