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06.06.2022 - 10.06.2022
02.06.2022 | 16:00

Do paraíso dos agrotóxicos ao paraíso da agroecologia?

Palestras sobre o uso de pesticidas altamente perigosos e alternativas ecológicas no Brasil

Lugar: Brot für die Welt Caroline-Michaelis-Straße 1 10115 Berlin

27.04.2022 | 19:00

Ernährungsungleichheiten in Zeiten der Pandemie: die Reaktionen der landwirtschaftlichen Bewegungen in Brasilien

Como parte da semana temática organizada pelo centro de estudos avançados "Futures of Sustainability", da Universidade de Hamburgo, xs líderes do Food for Justice, Renata Motta e Marco Antônio Teixeira, vão apresentar um panorama sobre desigualdades alimentares no Brasil durante a pandemia e a reação de movimentos agrários. O evento, intitulado "Lutas pela terra e alimentação na América Latina", reunirá uma série de pesquisadores e ativistas para debater sobre diferentes aspectos da realidade latino-americana no âmbito de tantas disputas. A participação dxs integrantes do Food for Justice será no dia 20.10, que terá foco especial em discussões sobre interdependências transnacionais e emancipação. Clique aqui para conferir toda a programação! O evento será transmitido por Zoom.

20.10.2021 | 17:15
15.09.2021 | 16:30 c.t. - 17:30

Insegurança alimentar e nutricional enquanto escolha política

Debate sobre Insegurança alimentar e nutricional enquanto escolha política . Participantes: Prof. Dra. Milene Pessoa (UFMG) Dr. Marco Antônio Teixeira (Universidade Livre de Berlim) Msc. Melissa Aráujo (UFMG) MBILL (Data Favela CUFA) Prof. Dra. Larissa Loures (UFMG) Clique aqui para a inscrição .

19.05.2021 | 14:00
13.04.2021 | 14:00 - 16:00

Workshop | Food Inequalities: Power, Politics & Pesticides

Pesticides offer “food for thought” in understanding various dimensions of food inequalities: environmental chemical contamination and health problems affecting farm workers and nearby communities, environmental racism, the loss of biodiversity, and the contribution to climate change through fossil-fuel-based chemicals. Struggles around pesticides are characterized by knowledge asymmetries vis-à-vis- its safety and gendered politicisation, as women usually assume the burden to care for the sick and fight contamination. Global inequalities are expressed in the fact that most of the hazardous pesticides are prohibited in its producing countries but sold in developing ones. This workshop will discuss research findings of Larissa Bombardi, Renato Balbim and Renata Motta. We will examine the possibilities of interdisciplinary research on pesticides and beyond.

Lugar: Boltzmannstraße 1, 14195 Berlin

09.12.2019 | 09:00 - 12:00

What can feminism contribute to climate justice?

What can feminism contribute to climate justice? And how are gender and climate crisis related? We will discuss these and other questions during the Fridays for Future week on 27 September at the Aquarium am Südblock, Skalitzer Straße 6, at 6.30 pm. Guests: Patricia Bohland, junior professors Dr Renata Motta, Dr Tiara Roxanne and Malu Tello.

27.09.2019 | 18:30

Women in Movement / the Patriarchy of Land. On agrarian movements and their internal struggles

Soil is an Inscribed Body. On Sovereignty and Agropoetics  is a project examining both the anti-colonial struggles of the past and the current land conflicts across the world to resist the invasiveness of neo-agro-colonialism and its extractivist logic. It germinates through a series of readings, interventions and workshops, and materialises in an exhibition (30.08.–06.10.2019) and a performance/discursive programme at  SAVVY Contemporary (13/09/–15/09/2019). The project seeks dispersed and yet networked moments of cross-pollination between artistic strategies and agroecological initiatives from molecular to geopolitical scales. Professor Motta will also take part in this event on saturday 14/09/2019, contributing to a conversation with Paula Gioia, Alex Ungprateeb Flynn, and Barbara Marcel on the topic "Women in Movement / the Patriarchy of Land. On agrarian movements and their internal struggles "

14.09.2019 | 16:15 - 17:00