At the Latin America Institute we have been pursuing the concept of learning communities since 2002. This means that we realise new forms of collective knowledge production that strengthen the cooperation between teachers and students. The new knowledge gained in seminars, courses and field research is discussed together and presented to a wider public with the help of new media.
The following projects are the results of teaching research at the Latin America Institute:
- 50 Years of LAI - Preparation of an exhibition on the occasion of the anniversary of an institution steeped in history
- Child Soldier I Victim or Perpetrator (online exhibition)
- Narrativas del Desarraigo - Welcome@FUBerlin (video workshop)
- Project Seminar: Colombia in the "Post-Conflict"?! Gender perspectives on political and social challenges in the context of current peace negotiations (documentary film)
- Exhibition "The greatest catastrophe in human history" - Latin America and the First World War
- Ensemble Moxos
- Online Activism and the Transformation of the Political in Latin America
- Urbanidades Desde América Latina - UDAL
- Libertadores - a retrospective on the occasion of the Bicentenario
- Continent of Liberation? In Search of Traces of 1968 in Latin America
- Transnational Autobiographies
- Trends in International Latin American Research
- Knowledge Production by Latin American Intellectuals
- Portraits of female scholars within women's and gender studies on Latin America
- Brazilian Intellectuals
- Cultures and Power
- Symbolic Representations and Social History
- Borders on the Move
- Indigenous Languages
- Futbología, Fußballogie, Futebologia
- America! America's!?
- Who owns the metropolis?